6 Tips When Learning To Code

Brad Traversy
5 min readFeb 1, 2022

Learning to code can be a very overwhelming thing for many people. I’d say that it is for most people. There is a small percentage of developers that this stuff may come easy to, but most of us, including myself, struggle quite a bit. So I wanted to share a few tips that have helped me over the years when it comes to learning to code.

As a teacher, I’ve had to learn a huge variety of technologies, and I’ve tried many different avenues. This is some of the stuff that helped me most. I also want to say that most of these I didn’t do right away. It took me years to really figure out what worked for me.

1. Focus on the fundamentals

So the first one is to focus on the fundamentals. This is one of the most important things when learning to code. I see people all the time rush to get through the fundamentals so that they can start learning a specific framework or something like that. Which is understandable. Building projects is the fun part of coding, at least for me. However, time and time again, when I see people move too fast, I also see them get caught up and struggle later on.

Now a lot of people say this phrase “focus on the “fundamentals”, however, a lot of them don’t actually tell you what they mean. I also think that this can be subjective. Are we talking about computer science fundamentals…

