Improve Your Google Ranking By Giving The People What They Want

Provide real questions to their answers, not rambling nonsense.

Travis Hubbard
Practical Pragmatics
3 min readApr 22, 2020


Getting a page to appear on the first page of Google search results (SERP1) can make a website owner a lot of money.

There are two ways to do it:

  1. Organically: Your site rises in the rankings using SEO techniques. This can take a lot of time, and be expensive if you have to pay someone to do it.
  2. Paid Placement: You out bid everyone other advertiser in the world for a set of keywords to appear on SERP1. This can get very expensive.

I prefer to do it organically.

The more competitive the niche, the harder it is to get to SERP1

This makes sense right?

Competition is usually directly related to the amount of money people can make in the market, so competition is good because it is a sign that money can be made.

But too much competition can be bad, because the more money in market, the larger the likelihood that you are going to be competing against sharks.



Travis Hubbard
Practical Pragmatics

Developer, writer, digital alchemist. 30 years in software. MEng Stevens.