Foster S

Travis Foster
12 min readJul 9, 2023


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August 16, 2024, Friday

Good morning, sweetheart. I’m thinking about you this morning. You did a great job, organizing your stuff and having things ready for the move into your first apartment yesterday. This is the beginning of your second year at Tennessee Tech in Cookeville. You applied yourself last year, worked hard in your studies, made your classes a priority and did well. We were happy to see you make the Dean’s list.

We had a good time together yesterday. Ari and Katie were a HUGE help in the move. We were able to get all your furniture up two flights of stairs to the third floor of your apartments. It’s a nice place, your Mom enjoyed meeting your roommate. It’s a clean apartment. You did nice on your choices for making your space your own.

I will be sending you money each week for groceries. Budget wisely. Please keep me posted on how your cooking and meal preps are going. Also send me information about a possible money you can put on your student card for chic fil a and Starbucks. Let me know how that works and how I can add money to that so you can eat/drink on campus.

I was proud of you for working hard this summer. Lifeguard in Gallatin, Babysitting in Lebanon, working with KK and Pappy to prepare their house in Hermitage. Nice work!

Your next three years at Tech will go by fast. Enjoy each day. Have fun. Be responsible. Study. The best advice that the advisors gave us: do not miss class. Go to every class, every day.

Katie, Sophia and Ari Foster. Tennessee Tech, August 15, 2024. Helping Sophia move into her first apartment.

January 17, 2024, Wednesday

Good morning, sweetheart. I'm thinking about you and hoping you are staying safe and warm. It’s 5 degrees outside here in Nashville—probably the same in Cookeville. Mom and I enjoyed having you at home during the holidays. It was great to see you. I appreciate you working hard and saving some spending money during the holiday break. You worked almost every day during your school break. I’m proud of you for working hard. You also went to the gym and drank your protein. Made mud balls that were supposed to be good for you. You told me you were “in bulk phase.”

I’m grateful that you did so well in your first semester at Tech. That is a part of your story, that will never be altered or changed. You went to Tennessee Tech in Cookeville, at 18, and you passed all of your classes the first semester in college. That is a recorded fact, a story you wrote with your actions, heart, grit, and determination to succeed. You worked hard and put in the time. You kept your eye on the ball and focused on what was important. You passed Chemistry and made A’s and B's in other classes. That’s amazing. So happy for you.

Ok. So now you are facing your second semester. One step at a time. A&P. That will be a class you will need to focus on. All the classes will take time and persistence. A & P will be the toughest, dig deep, work hard, put in the time. Try to focus.

I told you this before, probably more than once. Worth repeating. If I had to do it over, wind the clock back, and have another shot at being a young person. I would choose to wait on your Mom and not be a player. Ari was a player. I was a player. Playing has its own set of consequences. Our choices matter. Please be careful, be thoughtful. Most importantly, be prayerful about words, deeds, and actions. You are writing your story. Make it the best version of yourself. You are loved and treasured. You are a daughter of the King. The true King.

I love you, sweetheart. -Dad

Thanksgiving, 2023. Foster Family at 2420 Crocker Springs Road, Goodlettsville, TN 37072

September 29, 2023, Friday

Sophia, Good morning. Your mom and I enjoyed coming up to Tech last weekend for family weekend. Sarah and I stayed in a hotel not far from campus. We came up for both Friday and Saturday. You studied chemistry with Mom, we had a Tai dinner with Ellie and had lunch at Crawdaddy’s on the square. Good times. We stayed for some of the Saturday night football game, Tech won! It was great to see you. I am glad you are enjoying your school, campus and making friends.

We found out that Michael and Nicole are having a baby girl! How exciting. Baby due in March.

Sarah is participating in a yard sale at Jori’s house this weekend. We are also having a bon fire at Grace this evening (Friday) during the cooler autumn months we plan to do bon fire every other week on Fridays until it is too cold.

Please use Ari as a resource with Chemistry, if needed. It’s not a coincidence that both of you are going through Chem at the same time.

Sarah and I have the tuition payment ready for the October 29th bill. We are doing our part in providing the resources. We are proud of you for doing your part, studying hard, giving your best effort and making school your job and full-time focus.

We love you, sweetheart. Have a great weekend.

Sophia Foster, September 23, 2023. Tech Family weekend.

September 12, 2023, Tuesday

We think about you every day. Your Mom, Olivia, Ari, Katie, Michael and Nicole are all proud of you and know you are giving your best effort.

You send brief reports. Chem is tough; you are meeting with the professor and with tutors for Chem. The food from the cafeteria has become less appetizing. You like going to the gym. You are walking a lot on campus, back and forth to class, lots of steps. You like your Stats professor. You have had some eyelash clients, making some spending money working your business from your dorm room. I love that you are not contained and think outside the box about opportunities and possibilities. You have always had a great work ethic.

Michael started his new job yesterday. That’s exciting. Nicole and Michael’s baby due in March- is creating a lot of buzz around the house. JoLynda bought Sarah and I a bunch of baby stuff for when we watch the baby.

Highlights called and ask me to create another cover for their January 2024 issue. This will be the fourth cover I have created for Highlights.

Your mom is being super steady about her gym routine, working out with weights and also swimming. You have been a good example to both me and your mom with your workouts.

Olivia helped in worship on Sunday with her violin. Clara also led a song on vocals.

Keep us posted. Let us know if we can help in any way. Love you.

Grace Community, September 3, 2023 6:30 a.m. sunrise. Roland and I have been cutting and mowing the grass at Grace. Photo: Travis Foster

August 17, 2023, Thursday

Today is your first day of class at Tech. You have been on campus for seven days, becoming acclimated to dorm life, meal card, cafeteria, student events in the evening, basketball, volleyball, and hitting the gym. Sarah and I are proud of you. Thanks for working hard and making your education and career a priority. We love you. You’ve got this! I enjoy seeing photos of your daytimer in use. You have excellent handwriting.

Sophia’s daytimer and scheduling journal. August 2023

August 11, 2023, Friday

Shealee, Olivia, and Sarah all helped you move into your dorm yesterday. It was a big week. You bought your first automobile, 100% with the money you earned from working. That will forever be your story. At 18, you earned $3,000 of your own money and bought a 2006 Ford F150. The family you have been babysitting for gifted you a nice truck. The truck is worth between $6,000 to $8,000 and you bought it. Sarah and I helped you with tags and insurance on the truck. But the title is in your name; it is yours. You drove the F150 down to Cookeville yesterday with all your stuff loaded in the back, and we picked Shealee up from her school to help you move in. I like the topper on the truck, it keeps things dry and out of the rain.

On August 7, 2023, Sophia purchased her first vehicle, a 2006 Ford F150, for $3,000. Tilte is Sophia’s name. The photo is her practicing parking in between chairs and bamboo.

We went shopping at Walmart to help with your transition to Cookeville. We found a spare truck key in the glove box of the truck. We found a lanyard for your keys with a Nike logo to match your backpack. We made several trips to the doctors this week to figure out the sore throat and skin rash and shots for school. You will make a full recovery soon.

Freshman Dorm Room with Sophia, Shealee, and Olivia. August 10, 2023. Tennessee Tech, Cookeville.

August 7, 2023, Monday

Sophia, today we are scheduled to do four things. We are paying the tuition bill for the first semester for Tech. We are purchasing a Ford F150 Fleet work truck for $3000 from Brannon and his wife; we will need insurance and tags. We are putting a set of new tires on the 1995 Chevy Caviler. We are starting the process of packing for your move on Thursday. Ari, Katie, Sarah, Shealee, and Roland are interested in visiting Tech to see your dorm and help you move in on Thursday afternoon.

Yesterday, we had breakfast at 2420 Crocker Springs Road at an open campfire. Me, you, Olivia, and Mom; we made eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns in a skillet.

Breakfast on an open camp fire. 2420 Crocker Springs Road, August 6, 2023. Olivia, Sarah, Sophia and Travis breakfast.

August 5, 2023

Today you are babysitting a morning shift for a family in Lebanon while they go to a car show. The family's dad runs a business and has offered to sell you a work truck for $3,000. We are going to look at that truck today with your Mom. We are also making the first payment for the semester on Monday; you applied $1,000 of the money you saved from working toward the tuition bill. I’m proud of you for saving and working to save the $4,500 in your savings. You did a good job, and you worked hard.

We plan on driving up from Nashville to Cookeville this upcoming Thursday, August 10th, in Roland’s truck to move your stuff into your dorm and check in that afternoon.

Mom, Olivia, and I will miss you. We are proud of you.

The breakdown for the first-semester payment. $13,000 per semester due August 15th, 2023. Sophia $1,000 cash, Sarah and Travis: $5,920 cash, Vanderbilt Tuition(Sarah): $3,330 benefit, Fed Loan/Sophia to pay back after graduation: $2,750. *Note: Travis and Sarah are selling a blue 1995 Oldsmobile Cutlass car for cash to help cover the money needed for the first semester.

July 23, 2023

We had a good turnout at your celebration. Shaley, Marcella, Ari, Katie, Roland, JoLynda, David, Sharon, Henry, Mason, Ariea, Ed, Lydia, David Merkle, Roger, Mimi, Graham, Gayle, Jeff, Jodi, Doug, Shelli, Melinda, Bill, Karen, Jori, Maddie, Sarah, Travis, and Olivia.

Side note: We missed the Lams as they were on a plane to London. We also missed Cari, Keenan, Betsy, Ben, Clara, Pappy, and KK. With our family, if we waited for everyone to be there, we would hardly get together.

Your mom did a fantastic job cooking and preparing the barbecue, cole slaw, and potato salad. Jori made you two chocolate cakes.

We are focused on finishing the summer out strong, saving what you can for the upcoming school year, and preparing for your move-in date of August 10th.

Travis, Sarah, Sophia, College send-off party. July 2023. Crocker Springs

July 21, 2023

Tomorrow is your graduation college send-off celebration party. Your Mom and I have been working on the house and yard to prepare for the 40-plus guests attending. We plan to serve barbecue, fruit, and dessert. Play volleyball for those that would like; it’s forecasted to be sunny with a high of 81 degrees. We have painted the front door, washed the windows, weed eat the entire property, and thought about how we will park that many cars. We painted the mailbox.

Yesterday on Thursday, during your babysitting gig in Lebanon, you signed up for early dorm move-in. Your confirmed move-in date to Tech is Thursday, August 10th, 2023. Olivia, Mom, and I will miss you, but we are happy you are spreading your wings and becoming an adult. We love you.

Mailbox at 2420. July 2023. Photo: Travis Foster
Text: Roland and Travis, July 21, 2023, 5:33 a.m.

July 11, 2023

Tea shop? Yes. Subway? I’m going to miss coming by and dropping off a sandwich for your lunch. We have about five weeks before we move you into your dorm at Tennessee Tech. Mom and I are proud of you for your diligence and hard work. You are finishing a chapter that you carved out for yourself. Working as a lifeguard at Hendersonville YMCA, working at the tea shop in our neck of the woods. Working as a babysitter consistently and regularly for two families, one all the way in Lebanon. You have been working all four jobs at the same time, all the while maintaining your school work and relationships with friends and family. You have juggled these things well.

Sophia’s Subway Order. July 11, 2023

I asked if you wanted chips. You said no, you were watching what you ate. That too. You are a dedicated physical fitness regular who consistently hits the gym and enjoys the process. You are making the most of your hours.

The most recent Revive camp with Marcella was a significant week. I think it had a lasting impact on the way you are thinking and looking at things. I’m grateful that you are spiritually aware and praying about life choices.

NYC, 2023 visit with Melanie, Brooklyn, NY

July 9, 2023

When Ari was going through the Army, I would write to him. A journal of sorts. Short notes, updates, thoughts, banter. Recently I sent him the link and reminder of the time he was enlisted. He was grateful to look back at that chapter of his life.

Now that you are about to make big decisions, I plan to do the same for you. Eighteen, completed high school, with a serious work ethic in place, you have options.

Currently, we are preparing for two events. ACT on July 15th; thanks for spending time on that process. I appreciate your effort and energy in preparing for the exam. Second, we have a college send-off party on July 22nd here at Crocker Springs. Mom and I are preparing the yard, house, and food. We hope to have a good turnout for your send-off celebration.

I plan to write once every couple of weeks and touch base. You can read at your leisure. You may appreciate it more when you are in your late 20s, 30s, or even older.

The plan is for you to attend Tennessee Tech in Cookeville beginning August 14th. Move-in dorm date August 14th. Your mother and I have committed to help significantly with the first semester—August through December. We will see how it goes. See how you adjust from working three jobs to pivoting to becoming focused solely on studying, class work, and class assignments. Possibly a part-time job lifeguarding on campus. You are accustomed to having a large amount of money (that you earn) to spend on what you want. This will also be an adjustment.

The semester will go by quickly; you will have fun, meet new friends, and study hard. You will adjust from high school life to college life. You will adapt from working jobs to focusing on becoming a full-time college student. You will adjust from having money flowing into your account to a small allowance that will be tight. Your Mom and I have limited resources that are being used toward your tuition, housing, and food.

The first semester is $13,000. (August — December 2023) Four-year degree in nursing would be $104,000. In upcoming posts, I will be more specific about the breakdown. I hope to talk to the billing office at Tech this week with your help.

Recently you mentioned Fort Walton and bartending. My two cents, get a degree while you are young. It does not need to be in nursing; you can pivot; it can be in business, health management, or any other major. Get an undergraduate degree. You can always bartend after your degree. If you want to move to Fort Walton, do so after your four-year degree is completed.

Four years will go by fast. A lot more quickly than you realize.

I thought Tech would be a good fit for you when we attended your orientation. You will enjoy the school, students, education, sports, clubs and activities there. With 12,000 students, you will meet several friends, some that may become lifelong friends.

I love you, sweetheart. I’m proud of you. -Dad

TN Tech Orientation, SOAR, June 5th/6th 2023, Cookeville, TN

