Apprentice Profile
The following is an example of a profile that we will be building and editing together. I’ve chosen medium as our format for a few reasons. It’s free, we can edit and update your profile at any point. It’s available for other interns and the the public at large to review, and I can link back to your post. It’s flexible and we can add new info, each week. We are able to embed direct links. We can add new images into this same post each week. Please create your own profile post using the following as an example. If you are active in an area, provide link. If you are not active in a field, simply put “currently not participating”. When you have completed or graduated from the internship, you have the option of erasing your post. We will be adding systematically to this profile each week. In addition to the profile below you can view the current interns and their profiles here.
Travis Foster Social Links
Website: , 61 images posted, 4 styles
Medium: , 58 articles, recent: 01/28/17,
Tumblr Blog:
Pinterest: (“illustration” board has 136 pins)
Linkedin: linkedin link (Currently have Travis Foster Reps listed as active on my personal linkedin profile)
Directory of Illustration: currently not active
Altpick: currently not active
Theispot portfolio: currently not active
Theispot stock portfolio: 664 images in stock portfolio
Lives in: Nashville, TN
Born: 1967
Began apprenticeship with Travis Foster Reps: December 2014 (26 months)
Art Journal Medium Post: Link (Last update July 15, 2016)
When did I last update my intern profile: February 3, 2017
Weekly Illustrator Highlight: Christian Roux , (July 3, 2016)
Weekly Illustrator Highlight: Julia Breckenreid, (July 15, 2016)
Weekly Illustrator Highlight: Brian Rea (January 28, 2017)
Task List Journal
Intern task list for Week | June 25th through July 1st 2016: Medium Profile uploaded and established, 20 pins for chosen artist. 3.5 hours for week
Intern task list for Week | June 18th through June 24th 2016: Medium article written, Medium article edited, posted 35 pins on illustration board, worked in agency access, worked in insightly, 4.5 hours for week