Why Talking About Michael Jackson Misses the Point

Travis Grossi
1 min readMar 12, 2019


Want to know more? Here’s some great pieces I read before making this:

What Can Be Done About Pedophilia? by Alice Dreger in the The Atlantic

Paedophile Net: Did Operation Ore change British Society? by Jon Kelly & Tom de Castella from BBC News

Inside Europe’s Biggest Sex Offenders’ Prison from BBC News

“I Hate My Desires — They Make Me Sick” by Bruno Schrep on Spiegel Online

To Stop Pedophiles, We Need to Help Them — But No One Wants to Hear That by Deborah Orr in The Guardian

What Should We Do About Pedophiles? by Sophie Elmhirst in The Guardian

Do Pedophiles Deserve Sympathy? by James Cantor on CNN

Ten Undeniable Facts About the Michael Jackson Sexual Abuse Allegations by Maureen Orth on VANITY FAIR

Childhood Sexual Abuse Statistics from Darkness to Light

Psychology Today’s resource on pedophilia

Travis Grossi is a writer, actor and comedian living in Los Angeles. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram and Facebook and…you get it.

