Jesus Controlled Nothing

Travis Ziebro
5 min readMay 15, 2020

There’s a moment before the crucifixion of Jesus where the outcome is not yet inevitable to the mass of people gathered. Jesus is in front of Pontius Pilate and this is not a death wish Jesus. This is a fully human Jesus. The same Jesus that a few days later will say, “Father, take this cup from me.”

Jesus stands and waits for Pontius Pilate to speak. Pilate is clearly uncomfortable by the responsibility that has been thrust upon him. You can almost hear the pleading in his voice as he looks at Jesus and says, “Don’t you know I have the power to set you free?”

“You have no power over me except what was given to you from above.”

Jesus is given the opportunity to submit to a greater authority and in doing so, simply defers to the greatest authority. He uses his stage to speak not for his benefit, but to provide a teaching lesson.

We have nothing except what has been given to us.

Had Jesus begged for his life, you can see the next moments play out. Pilate is granted a loophole. Jesus is given a stern warning and a punishment just severe enough to pacify the crowd.

And then what?

With his cup taken from him, Jesus becomes a footnote of history rather than the centerpiece of…



Travis Ziebro

Human Engineer who writes about the challenges of both.