5 Questions to Ask the DHCP at the Interview (With Sample Answers and Tips)

Mujeeb Rahman
3 min readJan 14, 2023


5 Questions for the Interview with the DHCP

Dynamic host configuration protocols (DHCPs) and how to use them on networks are important for people who work in IT or computer science. When you go in for an interview for a job in computer science, the hiring manager may ask you about DHCPs and how they work to see how much you know about them. Finding out what the most common DHCP interview questions are can help you get ready for your own. In this article, we talk about some common DHCP interview questions about network protocol skills and give you a list of tips to help you get ready for your next interview and feel confident. 5 Questions to Ask the DHCP at the Interview (With Sample Answers and Tips)

Sample answers to the interview questions asked by DHCP

Here are five questions that hiring managers usually ask about DHCP during interviews:

1. Explain what DHCP is and how it is used in your own words.

This is a general question that a hiring manager might ask to find out how well you understand DHCP and how it works. By asking this question, the interviewer might be looking for a response that shows how well you know DHCP and how it can be used at work. To answer this question, you should first explain what DHCP is. After you’ve told us what the protocol is, tell us how and why it’s used in your field. Think about how you could give a few specific examples to show how much you know.

“The dynamic host configuration protocol is a type of network protocol that lets IP addresses and other communication settings be set automatically. It is based on the client-server model and works on all devices that can connect to a network. A DHCP gives IP addresses based on a range of numbers, called a scope, that has been set up for a certain network. DHCPs are great for both small networks like those used in homes and large networks like those used on college campuses or by businesses. They make things easier because they automatically give out IP addresses instead of having to do it by hand.

2. Give a short explanation of how DHCP works for client computers.

This is a question that interviewers might ask to see how well you understand how DHCP works when connecting devices to a network. The way you answer this question will show the hiring manager that you know how to connect client machines to DHCP networks. You should explain each step of setting up when you answer this question. You can show the hiring manager how well you understand the process by explaining it as a series of steps.

Example: “When a client computer wants to connect to a DHCP network, it sends a broadcast request and waits for the DHCP to reply. The router tells the right DHCP server to handle the broadcast request. When the request comes in, the server sets aside an address for the client. After reserving the address, the server sends the address to the client in an offer packet while setting up the client’s DNS, WINS, and NTP servers. The client sends the server a packet asking it to take the reserved address.

Read full Article: https://www.gulfwalkininterview.com/5-questions-for-the-interview-with-the-dhcp-with-sample-answers-and-tips/



Mujeeb Rahman

Motivation for Successful Interview Tips - Tips for a successful job interview, Top Interview Questions and Answers