What my dog taught me about being human.The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see.Aug 28, 20192Aug 28, 20192
Published inMission.orgWhy you should practice going first in lifeWhat I’ve learned from a 30-second practice over a 2-year experiment.Mar 22, 20188Mar 22, 20188
Published inMission.org52 key learnings 52 weeks of 2017A time capsule of my year in learning.Dec 30, 2017Dec 30, 2017
Published inMission.orgFlowchart: How To Deal With Rejection.What To Do When You Bare Your heart And Nobody Shows Up.Dec 6, 20174Dec 6, 20174
Published inBeta HumanA full circleA myth inspired by a true story; a true story inspired by myths.Nov 15, 20171Nov 15, 20171
Published inMission.orgRelationships are like gardening; you reap what you sow.A short essay on why we should treat relationships like gardening. Best read together with How To Choose Who To Spend Your Time With.Apr 3, 20173Apr 3, 20173
Published inMission.orgHow to choose who to spend your time withA simple method for how to preserve and use our time and energy on relationships that matter.Mar 20, 20176Mar 20, 20176
Published inMission.org52 key learnings in 52 weeks of 2016The results of a year-long experiment in 2016 where I’ve recorded all of my learnings (456 in total).Dec 29, 201654Dec 29, 201654
Published inPersonal GrowthWrite a letter to your future self.4 years ago I received a letter I wrote to myself 10 years ago. A letter I had completely forgotten writing…Dec 26, 201610Dec 26, 201610
Published inPersonal GrowthWhat Running My First Triathlon Taught Me About Life11 unexpectedly meaningful life lessons from an impulsive decision.Nov 24, 20167Nov 24, 20167