Treadmill Treats
4 min readOct 2, 2023


Knowing your purpose in life

Last week, I wrote about knowing your life in depth. This week, I will continue with knowing your purpose in life. It is not hard to find out your purpose. You must push past the obstacles in life to find out your purpose and to live it out.

I know that you are asking, is this all there is to life? There has to be more than this?
Why am I here? What is my purpose? I know, because we all do this in our lifetime. There was a time I did this as well.

You need to find your purpose, to find what you love, and when you do, it will fill your soul. I know a lot of people think that everything will fall into place when you are a Christian. You will automatically know your purpose then. Then all will be perfect.

Let me tell you, being a Christian is not easy. Just because you turn over your life to God doesn't mean your life will be without issues. When you know that you're in the will of God, when you have strong faith, even in your trials, you will still have your purpose. Your purpose will attract a lot of distraction, but you must remember that you still are on course.

Why aren't you living out your purpose? Is it because you are afraid of criticism and opposition? Are you afraid of failure? The failures that you have endured are lessons you need to learn. Don’t be afraid. We have all failed, but it's about what we have learned and how that lesson makes us smarter and tougher than before.

When troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. You know your faith was tested, and your endurance had a chance to grow. I remember when things were perfect. It was when I got divorced. I was filled with peace and joy, I was strong in my faith, knowing my purpose and God, when yet again the rug was ripped out from under me.

I didn't let it get me down. In the midst of my pain, I prayed. I was grateful, I knew that God was there for me, and I knew that this was just a lesson I needed to learn. This is the way you need to look at disappointment and failure.

So let your faith grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete. Don't be afraid that people will talk about you, they will. Whether it's true or not. Look, I put my whole life out there for the world to judge. I know people will say some horrible things about me and have right on my blog page. But I know this is my purpose, and I will continue to do this, so I say, go ahead and talk.

Walk with your head held high. This is your purpose. This is your faith walk, not anyone else's. To fulfill your purpose in life, you must believe, that's it! It's that simple.
Believe that it is the will of God, believe that you will follow and believe in your heart that this is your gift. God has chosen you to give it to, so you must nurture it, care for it, and make it the best gift you have ever received because it is!

I know that when I write, I am lost. I can write for hours, I don't need food, I don't hear what's going on around me, I am in my zone, this is my purpose, it doesn't feel like work, it flows, it is my calling.

When you realize that and you do all of that, you will know you are walking in your purpose. You will have a sense of peace and joy like you have never felt before.

So today, my friends remember to reach down deep, find out what you do best with the least amount of effort, that my friend is your purpose. Now all you have to do is go after it! Live your life with purpose!

"Be the change you want to see"
"Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise

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Treadmill Treats

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