Treadmill Treats
3 min readMay 7, 2024

No greater love than a friends

So yesterday I wrote about my daughter's birthday and how much I love her. Loving your children is one thing, but this quote is about a different kind of love. It comes from John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends."

If you know me, then you know that I am an only child who always wanted a big family. Since we didn't have one, I made my own and let me tell you it is so much nicer to be able to pick your family! These friends that I've picked over the years have become my family.
I've had some of them since grade school. And if you know me, you know the above bible quote fits me so well. I would and will do anything for my "family"

I remember when my friend got into a difficult situation and people ran out of the woodwork to talk about him. Even people who didn't know him. So, of course, I went up in arms. Oh, hell no. You will not talk about my friend like that, who do you think you are? Who made you judge and jury? No, I was not having it, and I was going to speak out and speak out loud! He was not there to defend himself, but I was, and I continued to be his voice until he could speak for himself.

When I asked for help for another friend who was in a bad way. No one who she helped out so many times before stepped up. So I spoke up and called her so-called “Christian” friends out. No, you do not mess with my "family."
I am a friend till the end.
I will do anything for my friends as well as for my family (yes, the ones I didn't choose)

How many people can say that? How many people do you know that have no friends or just one or two?
I have so many great friends that my cup is running over. I know that I am blessed.
I have friends all across the country and yes, I can pick up the phone at midnight if I need to talk (and I have, just ask my friend Art) but they also know I will get out of my bed at three am to come to them in their time of need. There is nothing I will not do for my family and friends because that is who I am. I am loyal for life, but if you hurt me or betray our friendship, it is over. I will write you off, because I don't have time for traitors. I will forgive you because I hold no grudges (I've learned that only hurts you, not the other person), but it is done.

Sorry, I have way too many friends, and no, I'm not bragging. I just know how blessed I am. But I refuse to have someone in my life sucking me dry or using me. I am that loyal and will always stand up for my "family" so If you come at them remember you will be coming at me as well and I will lay down my life for them, so you better think twice!

So today my friends, I am here to tell you that yes, you can choose your own family. The friends you pick can be the family you choose. And if you choose them, there is no greater love than a friend.
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Treadmill Treats

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