Treadmill Treats
4 min readJul 31, 2019

Pushing through even when you don't feel it

I am writing this because I didn't feel like coming to the gym today. Let's be real, I was comfortable in my warm bed, cuddling, listening to the pouring rain. I didn't want to get up at 5am to run through the rain to come and work out. No, stay in bed I heard, as my other half yelled, get your ass up, let's go!

I pushed through the side that said stay and sleep another 2 hours because I know what my exercise does for me. I know when I am done that I feel amazing, full of energy and ready to take on the day, no matter what happens. If I gave in, yes I would have gotten 2 more hours of sleep but would have felt sluggish and guilty all day. Nah, not worth it so I pushed through.

There are many times in my life that I could have went the easy way but I pushed through it and the results always amaze me.
One of the biggest for me is not staying in my abusive marriage, I had a big lifestyle, fancy cars, lots of big vacations and toys. I could gave easily stayed and kept that lifestyle but I pushed through the fear, knowing it would be tough, that I wouldn't have this lifestyle anymore, that I would have to struggle. I pushed through the fear, I pushed through the worry to get to this incredible life I now have.

One of my favorite "Push through" YouTube videos is these 2 women runners, they are way ahead of the pack when one of their legs start to look like gumby and she falls. The other one trips over her and they are both trying to get up but their legs have no more strength, even to get up. Over and over they are trying to get up but can't, it's excruciating to watch them keep trying and failing. When the first one starts to crawl to the finish line, the other one sees her and she starts to crawl as well. You can see the determination in their faces, they were not going to give up, even if it meant they were going to crawl to the finish. When the first one crossed the finish line she didn't cheer and celebrate, no she reaches back and puts her hand out to the other runner who was crawling behind her and literally drags her over the finish line and they celebrate together.

That to me epitomizes the true human spirit, the determination a person can have and the compassion we have inside of all of us. Yes, they could have given up, they could have but they didn't, they kept going, against all odds of them winning the race, they persevered.

This is what I think of in my life when the storms are coming against me hard and strong. Yes, I can curl up in a ball and pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep or I can drag my ass out, even in the rain, even when I don't feel it. Even when I am not inspirational, when I don't want to blow sunshine up everyone's ass but I do it, I push through. I push through the doubts, I push through the fears that I will never make it, that I am too old, that no one cares what I have to say, I push through to the other side.
To the side that says your never too old, Colonel Sanders was 80 when he started Kentucky fried chicken, Ben Franklin tried 1000 times to invent the light bulb, it's never to late.

The side that whispers this is your purpose, this is what God made you for, a whisper that says there is someone out there that is in that dark place you were in and needs to hear this. That is what drags me out here day after day to write this blog.

So today my friends whatever it is that is your purpose, whatever it is that makes you jump out of bed, whatever it is that pulls you through, hold on too it. Know that you can do it, you can make it, if you keep going, if you don't give up, if you push through even when your not feeling it.

Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
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Treadmill Treats

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