Treadmill Treats
4 min readOct 31, 2019

Stop sending dick pics

Okay, so maybe I'm a little old-fashioned and maybe back in the dinosaur days when we didn't have the internet or smartphones, I feel like men were different. But dating today sucks, literally, it sucks!

Here's the scenario, picture this.... you meet someone online, you text a few times and I can honestly tell you the conversation goes like this in texts:

Him: "Hi, how are you?"

Me: "I'm fine, how are you?"

Me: "So how's this site working for you?"

Him: "It's great, I've just met you"

I'm thinking...oh, he's so sweet.

Me: "So what are you looking for?"

Him: "I am looking for a long term relationship"

Now I'm thinking oh...okay, so we are on the same page, so I go back to reread his profile and it's saying all the right things. Things I am looking for in a man and I get my hopes up.
Then I get another text and I am excited to see what he has to say next and I open it....

Bam!!! Here's a picture of my junk!

Yes, you read that right, a picture of his junk, his shit, his wrinkled, tiny dick with his saggy balls in all his glory or so he thinks, obviously since he sent it.

Me: "Did I ask you for a picture of your junk? Am I on Tinder??
 I get it if I was on Tinder and I was looking for a hookup because then I'd like to see what I'm going to get before I get it. So this would be appropriate but since I'm not on Tinder and it clearly says on my profile that I'm looking for a long-term relationship, that I'm a Christian and in bold letters that I'm not looking for a hookup, it must be obviously that 
A. You can't read or 
B. You're just really fucking stupid, so which is it??"

Oh yes, your not going to send me a picture of your junk and not get a tongue lashing from me.
He was lucky, one man who sent me one got this:
"FYI, don't send a picture of your junk to a women who's been with a black man, not a myth"

He replied "So your assuming I am small"

Me: "No, I no longer have to assume!"

Ha! That shut him down and hopefully bruised his ego enough never to do it again. (I could only hope)

So please tell me why is it that men out there insist on sending pictures of their junk? Seriously, I have gotten so many pictures of shitty junk that I can open up my own PornHub.
 I don't get this? So please enlighten me about why do you think you do this? 
Do you think that sending me a picture of your nasty and usually small junk, that I'm going to say: 
"Oh my God, let me get your address so I can come right over and jump on you!"

Is that what you're thinking in your pea-sized brain, that goes along with your pea-sized pecker??

Public service announcement to all men out there who like to send dick pics, we seen them all, it's not exciting, most of the time yours is small and wrinkled and taking in a dirty bathroom, yuck! So why do you insist on sending them??
What's the point? But my real question is do women actually go for this? Is there women out there entertaining this behavior?
There must be, because these idiots are still doing it or maybe it's a numbers games, let me send my crappie, little dick pic to 100 women and at least one will fall on it.

I can't figure it out but to be honest I am sick of them and the shitty men who send them. I can tell you that all of my friends are over it as well, besides from the good laugh we get showing your pictures to each other and saying what was he thinking?? That's all your getting here jerk!

Where are the true gentlemen? Have they all become extinct? 
Where are the men who act like men and not dogs? Look I know there are good men out there, I have many wonderful male friends that are truly good guys but I am telling you it's not that many, it's a dying breed to be a gentleman today.

I get society has made it okay to call women bitches, to have women degraded in music videos, to even have our president think it's okay to grab women by their pussys like we are pieces of meat. 
And maybe women have resigned to putting up with this shitty behavior but I am old school and you will not be pulling that crap with me, ever!

So today my friends,take a stand! Pass this blog along, send it to your male friends, post it on your page, take a stand against the nasty dick pics, protest, cut them down, delete them, call them out on social media! Yell it loud and more dick pics, no more dic pics, no more dic pics!!

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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Treadmill Treats

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