Treadmill Treats
4 min readAug 20, 2018

When Christ lives in you

When Christ lives in you there is no such thing as not having control over your life. Christ has control because you allow him to.
Either it's Christ's or Satan that has control and you make that decision.

If Satan is in you, you will live a in place of darkness
but if Christ lives in you, he will change the way you walk, how you think, the path you take, it changes everything about you.
Remember just because we are Christian, does not mean that we are perfect, but we are striving to get there.

So who do you put your confidence in? Do you really trust God?
If your trust isn't in God, you get nervous, you will panic, you feel like your losing control, your trying to figure out how to do this or that.
But when your faith is in Jesus, it's okay to lose control or to not understand what's going on, even when things are coming against you, you trust him, you don't know how the outcome is going to be or how you will get there but you trust him.

Do not think because you have a great job or a degree that you have it all under control. Don't ever forget, it takes one thing that can change your life, that all of those degrees won't help you but God will always be there, he will always help you.

Women your beautiful now, and men are chasing after you and you think you got it all together. Don't let what a man says about you in your 20's get into your head. Learn to depend on and trust what God has said about you, you need to learn to love yourself.

Don't allow the external things to become your support, don't allow the lack of resources make your decision whether you are happy or not.

Yes, we all wish we had more money, a better car, designer clothes or a home but you need to know that God will supply your ever need. That his dreams are way bigger than you can dream.

Having confidence in yourself alone without having confidence in God will ruin your life. Don't become bitter and angry when things don't go your way or walked away from God because you got your feelings hurt.
Who do you come to see in church? Is it the pastor or is it God? Is it the people or is it God? No, you are here to hear what God has to say to you, your here to give thanks for all he has done in your life.

We are living this life for the glory of God, don't you ever get backed into a corner and get turned off because someone turned you off at church.
If your bitter and your dragging out old stuff, you need to just stop running from your problems. When Christ lives on the inside of you, you are going to expect people to do crazy stuff but you need to just love them. I know it's not easy to love some people, sometimes your flesh get in the way, your feelings get hurt.

You can get angry and trust me just because your a Christian doesn't mean you you don't get angry, or that you let people walk all over you, but when you won't get crazy, as a Christian you rememeber to try to be the best you can be.

"My old self has been crucified with Christ it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me"

There are 2 types of personalities:

1. Old man:
The flesh that is driven your desires
We can't forgive, your bitter, you hold on to everything.

2. The spirit of the Christ:
You give it to God, you let it go, you forgive like Jesus forgave us.

Your flesh will try to convince you that you have the wisdom to figure things out on your own.
When you think you have figured out the path your success there will be something that will teach you that you are not in control. It's always better to let God take control that way you can not fail. If you let God take control, you will seek God first and you will find out what he has in store for your life, but for some reason we have the tendency to seek after the opinions of people and not God. Don't put your trust on flesly desires but in God.

"Those who trust in themselves are fools"

The key to learning a successful faith journey to trust in God.
You may not be where you want to be but your not where you use to be.

"Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged for God will be with you always"

Allow the spirit to lead you..
Everyone is face with the same challenges you are faced with, the difdeence is who do you put yout faith in?
When he lives in you, your trust isn't in people but in him.
You need to put your faith in God, trust me your life will change when Christ lives in you.

"Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
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Treadmill Treats

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