Recommendations | I ❤ May 2018

Treasure Hunter
Treasure Hunter
Published in
1 min readAug 18, 2018

I ❤ May 2018

1. Movies

Deadpool 2

2. Series

The Handmaid’s Tale

3. Short Film

4. Self Care

42 Practical Ways to Improve your Life

5. On Character

Inspiring Creative & Brave Soul — Andrew Cotton — Surfer

Andrew Cotton is a professional big wave surfer, top level athlete, adventurer and guest speaker. He is now one of the world’s most respected big wave surfers basing himself in Nazare, Portugal and West Ireland for much of the big wave season. He also travels the globe surfing some of the biggest and heaviest waves on the planet such as Peahi in Hawaii, Mavericks in California and The Right in West Australia.

