Let’s make TREEEC great

We must shape the future positively, for all of us and for each one personally

1 min readAug 7, 2018

It’s been a while, two years, that I’ve posted on my blog regularly. I admit, I asked myself if it makes sense to promote such a large and complex idea as TREEEC through contributions that only reach a modest circle of people in Germany. The answer was then, no, that does not make sense. If TREEEC is to find the broad resonance it needs to get it going, then additional preparations are necessary and international goals have to be targeted from the beginning.

We did that and used the past two years to bring TREEEC into a structure and supplement it with organisational units such as a small but powerful publisher, to start immediately in a higher league. Recently we launched an ICO, an Initial Coin Offering, in the circle of members first and since yesterday publicly advertising and inviting to become member of TREEEC and user of its most important tool, TREEEC MONEY, the “new and better money “.

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TREEEC is a privately held supranational economic and financial system and an organization of a special kind with co - operative structures.