Indiana Jones Family Tree: Ancestry, Relationships, and Descendants

Rose Patterson
10 min readAug 16, 2023


Originally posted at

This post describes Indiana Jones family tree, complete with all his family members — father, mother, relationships, children, and others. The charismatic, cynical, yet compassionate Indiana Jones (portrayed masterfully by Harrison Ford) has captivated audiences for more than four decades now. The number of installments in the Indiana Jones media franchise has only been growing, with not only 5 films released but also dozens of comic books series, TV shows, and video games:


  • Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
  • Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
  • Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

TV Shows:

  • The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (1992–1996)


  • Indiana Jones and the Peril at Delphi (1991)
  • Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants (1991)
  • Indiana Jones and the Seven Veils (1991)
  • more than 30 subsequent works

Video games:

  • Raiders of the Lost Ark (1982, Atari Inc)
  • Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures (2008, LucasArts)
  • more than 20 further installments

And with such an abundance of entries also comes a vast array of major and minor characters connected to the Jones family. In this article, we’re looking to fill you in not only on Indy’s bio but also tell you some facts about lesser-known characters — this is our Indiana Jones family tree.

Who is Indiana Jones?

Indiana Jones

Dr. Henry Walton Jones Jr., better known as Indiana Jones or Indy, is a fictional character created by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg and the protagonist of the Indiana Jones media franchise.

A world-famous adventure seeker, treasure hunter, and scientist, Indy throughout his career unearthed many famous mythical items, including the Sankara Stones, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, the Crystal Skull of Akator, and the Antikythera.

In his adventures he would often face menacing adversaries, also hunting for coveted artifacts, such as the Nazis, radical communists, and cult leaders — and always come out on top.

His hunts spanned more than three decades, which he managed to combine with duties as an archaeology professor, husband, and father. However, the latter two would prove to be very challenging as Indy’s relationships with his family strained on more than one occasion, which resulted in both separations and reconciliations.

Despite being a man who appeared to have become cynical and hard-hearted as a result of his painful experiences in World War I, Indy consistently upheld a strong sense of honor and compassion. And complementary to that were his unwavering sense of integrity, respect for knowledge, and conviction that culture should be shared and passed down to future generations.

Indiana Jones Background

Indiana Jones was born on July 1, 1899, in Princeton, New Jersey, to a professor of medieval studies Henry Walton Jones Sr., and his wife Anna.

When he was still in the cradle, his parents introduced him to Indiana, an Alaskan Malamute dog, which he very quickly befriended and got very attached to (which also earned Indy his nickname).

Indy displayed a passion for adventure and discoveries from a very young age. Instead of going to school, he would often prefer to spend time outdoors with his companion dog, play baseball, or carry out other scientific projects, even trying to send his pet friend to the moon.

In the past, Henry (Indiana Jones) had tried to break the land speed record and sent his dog to the moon. He also loved professional baseball and took piano lessons, but stopped since he didn’t think he was particularly good at it.

Between 1908 and 1910, Indy’s family traveled around the world, as his father was doing a two-year lecture tour. During that time, Indy would meet many prominent people of that period, which would ultimately inspire him for greatness. Some of those personalities included Theodore Roosevelt, Leo Tolstoy, Duchess Sophie of Hohenberg (as a kid), and many others.

His life would take another turn during World War I, as Indy was battling in the infamous trenches and eventually became a prisoner of war.

He barely managed to escape captivity, but that experience still massively traumatized him. After the war, in 1920, he entered the University of Chicago to study archaeology, which kicked off a lifelong series of treasure-seeking adventures.

Indiana Jones’ Father and Mother

Father: Henry Walton Jones (Sr.)

Indiana Jones and his father Henry Walton Jones (Sr.)

Our review of the Indiana Jones family tree starts with Indiana Jones’ father, Doctor Henry Walton Jones Sr. who was a Scottish professor of medieval literature and a famous adventurer. Henry’s relationship with his son was always difficult, but it only got worse following the untimely death of his wife Anna in 1912. That happened on Henry’s world educational tour, with him giving lectures and his family following him around. Albeit tragic for the family, this tour was also what made Indy love adventures and archaeology even more.

The two drifted further apart after Indy’s involvement in World War I but reunited during their search for the Holy Grail nineteen years later. Their near-death experiences at the hands of the Nazis undid their estrangement and strengthened their connection, which remained intact until Henry’s death in 1951.

Mother: Anna Mary Jones

Indiana Jones and his parents

Anna Mary Jones was Indiana Jones’ mother and Henry’s wife, spending a lot of her life as a housewife and keeping the father and son’s relationship together despite their many fights.

Anna Mary Jones died of scarlet fever in the first half of 1912 after touring the world on a lecture tour with her family between 1908 and 1910.

Indiana Jones’ Wives

First Wife: Deirdre Campbell Jones

Indiana Jones’ first wife, Scottish-born Deirdre Campbell Jones met Indy in 1925 when she enrolled in his class, and they very quickly fell in love, not paying much attention to their teacher-student dynamic. The couple wed a year later during a hurriedly planned ceremony aboard a cruise ship, but their marriage would only last a couple of months as Deirdre was tragically killed in an aircraft accident in South America in April 1926.

Second Wife: Marion Ravenwood

Marion Ravenwood

Marion Ravenwood was Indiana Jones’ second wife, and the relationship between the two was very on and off. Marion and Indiana first met in the 1920s and had a brief relationship, but it didn’t initially work out.

They wouldn’t cross paths again until 1936 when they teamed up to find the Ark of the Covenant — Marion was involved because her father Abner was obsessed with finding the artifact and brought Marion along with him. Indy and Marion started dating again and even were going to marry, but Indy changed his mind at the last minute and left his fiancee.

What Indy didn’t know was that Marion had already been pregnant with their son. He would discover that only after Marion was taken hostage in 1957 as part of a Soviet scheme to locate the Crystal Skull of Akator. After Marion was rescued, she and her son Henry (“Mutt”) reunited with Indy.

The couple would get separated once again after Mutt’s death in the Vietnam War, but they were ultimately able to recover from their mutual tragic loss and reconcile for the final time.

Indiana Jones’ Sister: Susie Jones

Not much is known about Susie, apart from the fact that she was Indiana Jones’ sister and died at a very young age due to an illness, which was never mentioned.

Indiana Jones’ Kids

Son: Henry Walton “Mutt” Williams

Henry Walton “Mutt” Williams

Born in July 1938, Henry “Mutt” Williams was Indiana Jones’ out-of-wedlock son with Marion that Indy did not know about until 1957.

In 1957, Mutt reunited with his estranged father on a mission to recover the legendary Crystal Skull. However, after a dispute between Mutt and Indy, at some point after their reunion, the former enlisted in the army with the express purpose of upsetting his father. This decision would prove to be fatal as Mutt was killed in the Vietnam War, causing a temporary rift between Marion and Indy.

Indiana Jones’ Daughter: Sophie

Sophie is one of the most ambiguous members of the Indiana Jones family tree. Not much is known about Indiana Jones’ daughter, Sophie, as she was only briefly shown and mentioned in “The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles” series — it’s not even clear whether Indy is her father or whether he knows of her existence. Even if both are true, it’s likely that her mother is not Marion as it’s been stated a couple of times that Mutt was an only child of the Jones couple.

Goddaughter: Helena Shaw

Helena Shaw

Helena Shaw was not Indiana Jones’ daughter but of Basil, his old friend. When she was born, Indy agreed to become a godfather for her and grew quite close with the girl. However, after Indy and Basil had a dispute over a piece of a prehistoric device that they had discovered, Helena lost contact with her relative.

However, Helena and Indy would reunite in 1969, when they embarked on a journey to assemble the aforementioned device — the Dial of Destiny.

Indiana Jones’ Grand and Great-Grandkids

Granddaughter: Caroline Jones

Indiana Jones’ granddaughter, Caroline only had a brief appearance in the “The Young Indiana Jones Chronicle” series, serving turkey at a family Thanksgiving dinner in 1993.

Granddaughter: Lucy

Lucy was only mentioned once in the “The Young Indiana Jones Chronicle” series, in a scene where Indy was running late to her school’s grandparents’ tea party. The scene was taking place sometime in the 1990s.

Grandson: Spike

Spike only made two brief appearances in the “The Young Indiana Jones Chronicle” series, where he was portrayed as an aspiring rock band guitarist.

Great-Granddaughter: Annie Jones

Annie only had a brief appearance in the “The Young Indiana Jones Chronicle” series, being at a family Thanksgiving dinner in 1993.

Great-Grandson: Harry Jones

Harry only had a brief appearance in the “The Young Indiana Jones Chronicle” series, being at a family Thanksgiving dinner in 1993.

Other Indiana Jones’ Family Members

Aunt: Grace Jones

Grace only made a couple of appearances in the “The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones” series, being visited by a young Indy at her ranch outside Albuquerque in 1905 and 1916.

Aunt: Anna’s Sister

An unnamed Anna Jones’ sister was only mentioned once in the “Young Indiana Jones: Travels with Father” series, meeting Anna in Greece in 1910.

Uncle: Pete

Pete, Indiana Jones’ uncle, was only mentioned once in the “The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles” series. He was known to have a chicken farm as late as 1910.

Cousin: Frank Jones

Indiana Jones’ cousin, Frank made a couple of appearances in the “The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles” series. Not much is known about him apart from his passion for adventure which he shared with young Indy.

Second Cousin: Mary Jones

Mary was only mentioned once in the “Young Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Ruby Cross”. Nothing is known about her apart from the fact that Indy visited her residence in New York a few times when he was a teenager.

Indiana Jones Family Tree

Indiana Jones’ father, Henry, left a huge imprint on his son’s development, personality, and career choice, while his mother Anna kept the family together for as long as she was alive. Indiana Jones’ wife Marion also contributed a lot to Indy’s development both as a man and as an adventurer.

Indiana Jones Family Tree

The Indiana Jones family tree as a whole is rather big, with at least about 20 major and minor characters making an appearance or being mentioned in the media franchise. And while some facts about some members are unclear, we can definitively say that this family has provided the audience many exciting adventures, from Raiders of the Lost Ark to Dial of Destiny. And in the end, it is very possible that with future installments in the franchise, the Indiana Jones family tree will only grow.


Is Ridley Jones related to Indiana Jones?

No, Ridley Jones, the titular character of the “Ridley Jones” series is not related to Indiana Jones and exists in a different fictional universe altogether.

Are all Jones related?

All known major and most minor characters bearing the surname Jones in the Indiana Jones universe are related.

How many kids does Indiana Jones have?

According to confirmed canon, Indiana Jones only has one son, Mutt. It’s also possible that he also has a daughter named Sophie.

Did Indiana Jones have a wife?

Indiana Jones was married twice. His first wife, Deirdre Campbell Jones, died in a plane crash shortly after their marriage. His second wife, Marion Ravenwood, although separated from Indy a few times, eventually reconciles with him and is presumed to stay together with him until his/her death.

