Tree Of Life Designs
4 min readNov 7, 2023


Welcome to Tree of Life Dero NFT.

First, I want to thank the Dero community for receiving and supporting this NFT in advance and all the hard work behind the scenes that must go into creating the platform for this to be possible.

It is amazing to see so much dedication and creativity within the Dero community and a commitment to deliver a path to financial privacy and liberation.

Financial privacy and liberation are key to bringing about a change for our collective paths, to unite and create the projects on the terrestrial plane that bring more love, light and liberation to humanity, to find a way to create equality and break the shackles of out dated financial paradigms.

Tree Of Life was inspired to deliver a visual message of divine uplifting and activate a content of a visual energetic medicine to bring balance, activation of liberation and salvation as a complementary visual spiritual counterpart.

The Tree of life NFT concept was born from a spark of visionary inspiration during a traditional healing mediation to bring into creation an energetic healing vibration through a visual medium, as a reminder and connection to the purity, simplicity within different elements of our spiritual journey, mission and alignment with benevolent cosmic connection to the terrestrial work of our manifestation of sovereign carbon vessels from our creator.

This NFT collection has a purpose at the very essence of its inspiration and creation point and is part of a vision that has been 15 years in the making. The funds generated from this NFT project will be partially used to help fund the purchase of land and to build a healing centre, (organic farm & medicinal plant nursery) and also helping to fund and support (a project for) our family and traditional lineage that we have been devoted to for the past 15 years.

So this is a great honour to be able to have an opportunity to create abundance with a potential to bring this dream into manifestation and to continue this healing and spiritual work.

Giving thanks in advance to all those that support our vision.

We are living in a time where intense polarization and conflict of interests on the world stage are creating waves of a tide to edit and influence humanity and society to make choices that will inherently sabotage the very reason for being human, influence and control every level of sovereignty as a hue man/womb — en being, breaking down and distorting the essence of purity of how all came to be from the divine spark, source of creation of our creator(s).

Natures law can never be destroyed and the plan will fail.

Confusion and motivation of agendas to control humanity are influencing the spiritual energetic system of many during this time as the final stages of a long strategized agenda plan. It is finding any access possible to contaminate and highjack healing/ religious/spiritual modalities as an energetic interference has been carefully placed to distract us from the truth and essence of our souls path to liberation in terrestrial opportunity of our own tabernacle and temple of the most high, harnessing a current that is creating illusions in which people feel they are finding freedom when rather instead falling into spiritual entrapment and more karmic baggage. Not all that glitters is gold. There are many illusions being cast to test the fabric of our true freedom as a global community to create brother/sisterhood and unity.

This is not a spiritual or political agenda of any kind and do not wish to engage in right or wrong, higher and lower, bad and good dualism of the now developed human condition consciousness and story.

More so a pointing towards the elements at play of different attributes to connect us with visual vibrational soul and spirit medicine activation and stimulator bringing visual messages to help us bring balance to live the miracle of this life in divine cosmic order.

Tree of life is about bringing forth the basic components of spiritual activation, visually stimulating our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and soul level energetics to manifest liberation and seek salvation for ourselves and humanity by helping our path to find our way to be in service and to be a keeper of the purity, divine light, love, peace, harmony, equality and true liberation of all elements of existence on this magnificent paradise of planet earth.

To remember that we are the caretakers of this earth and that every day of life and every breath a is a blessing and an opportunity to find and choose the uplift and true liberation no matter how hard the challenge or struggle, we came here to be part of these times and find a way to break the chains and illusions.

Each design and unit have been carefully created individually by hand and have been energetically fused in real time with healing transmissions/ prayers/traditional songs by a traditionally trained curandero for each theme within the collection during the making of the NFTs. This is part of a concept where visual art meets spiritual vibration, song and intention during the NFT crafting process to emanate an energetic charge, to bring about inspiration, healing and transformational insight to the viewer by delivering a unique visual transmission and message with each design.

With infinite blessings, love, peace, healing and liberation to all beings

Mr. T

