3 min readNov 4, 2015


Which Rope Must Be Used For Building Tree Swings

There are various configurations that you can try when building a tree swing from single rope or double rope, a chair swing or even a rope swing. As a matter of fact, the determining factor for knowing what rope that can evenly distribute the weight of the swing and the person using the tree swing is its type.

The braided and twisted are the two known kinds of ropes that you can use in this project. In order to form a strand, the individual yarns are twisted together, which is twisted for another time to form a spiral that makes the rope. Braided rope on the other hand has individual strands interspersed by weaving it over and under the same. Different pattern and materials are able to create variations of braided and twisted ropes with some being sturdier than the other. Twisted ropes are a lot easier to splice in creating longer pieces but this should not be a problem in making rope swings.

Polyester, natural manila, polypropylene and nylon are the common rope fibres used today. In the event that you are building rope tree swings for kids, then the best option you can have are ropes that are made from polypropylene as this works best for such. These ropes are actually waterproof, light in weight, strong and best of all, holds know very well.

In an effort to figure out the proper length of the rope required for double rope tree swing, what you have to do is just multiply the height of swing from the ground to 2 and add another 4 yards. For single rope swing on the other hand, just cut the final number in half and that’s it. The overhang on tree as well as underneath the seat of swing is the reason why there has to be 4 yards extra. It is best if you will make use of ropes with diameter of 5/8 inch or 3/8 inch. In order to learn more, you should visit

Make it a point that you have inspected the swing of the ropes to see if there are wear and tear; the inspection should not need to be every week at least a year will do. And say that you do find some, see to it that it is replaced as soon as possible because if you don’t; it will lead to disaster. It is strongly recommended to consider buying ropes that are manufactured by companies that have established its name in this industry as it is likely to last for 5 years minimum.

For sure, it brings out lots of fun by building tree swing for kids from the the tree swing store. But, be sure that you make yourself aware of what ropes will work best for the project to guarantee their safety for every swing they make.

