We all have experienced good and bad relationships, but what makes the difference between success and failure?

1. Being too desperate

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be in a relationship, but when you are constantly throwing yourself at the nearest thing that breathes, your relationship might not turn out well. Being able to feel complete on your own is the key to a successful relationship.

2. Shallow thinking

Looks seem to be everything these days, especially to young people. What we forget is that looks do not last. At a young age, wrinkles and gray hairs haven’t sprouted, but they will. Do not base a potential significant other only on their appearance.

3. Moving too fast

If you are beginning to hear wedding bells after only two dates, you may need to take time to slow things down. Just because they seem to be compatible doesn’t mean you have seen all sides of them. Let your relationship flow at a healthy pace.

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