T. K. Rengarajan
4 min readAug 22, 2020

California Fires

11am 20 Aug 2020

We’re SAFE a’la கண்டேன் சீதையை!

You’ve probably heard by now about the raging fires in California. My favorite park, the Big Basin Redwoods State Park with redwoods far older than America has sustained damage. These trees have stood their ground for centuries through many calamities like fires, earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes, far better than humans or our handiworks. Redwoods are mystical to me. They give me perspective. They teach us humility. They teach us to respect nature.

Closer to home, you’ve seen many pictures of the Lick Observatory on Mt. Hamilton, which has been a source of much contemplation and inspiration for me. I can see it from our bedroom. I’ve learned about Quantum Mechanics sitting on my favorite tree perch by the golf course. I’ve pondered life beyond the Earth being aware that Lick is the place where they discovered planets beyond the solar system. Lick is now threatened by the fires.

We are close to the #SCULightningComplex. All five of us are staying together and vigilant for a possible fire evacuation order for our home.

Viji had her antennas up many days back when she heard about the fires, while I was still biking as recently as yesterday morning on Coyote Creek Trail to Morgan Hill, appreciating the beautiful Kamala Orange Sun. Strangely, my audiobook company with Thich Nhat Hanh is suddenly so relevant so immediately.

Our thoughtful daughters Pavitra and Vasudha are leading us through this threat so thoughtfully, so calmly, and yet with urgency. They have created our fire evacuation plan learning from and responsibly interpreting low-tech evacuation checklists and instructions. They also took into account additional complications due to the. Covid-19 pandemic and our power cuts due to the heat wave. As the philosopher Mike Tyson said, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. We’ll roll with the punches when we do need to act.

This crowdsourced map is gorgeous, a gift of our new Internet world:

In addition to areas with evacuation orders, it also shows the projected evacuation areas. More importantly, it annotates the map key words from the official communications from California Fire authorities. This is so precious because Viji and I were squinting at the map this morning trying to divine the meaning of “North of Metcalfe Road San Felipe Road”. It appears that the fires are to our East and moving South. We have our fingers crossed.

WhatsApp has been a fabulous communication tool with many of you. I’m so very thankful to the wizards who built it.

This is however a time for much reflection and bonding as a family.

The enemy is at the gates. We’re still holding. Our evacuation area borders Silver Creek Valley Road at the bottom of the hill. This is a great warning to us. My thoughts turn to our family friend Teresa Orozco whose family was affected by the Paradise Fire many months back. This learning moment makes us think about what really matters among all our possessions.

I’m suddenly so appreciative of having a roof over our head. How much we take for granted!

Obviously, we will do our very best to stay safe, lean on friends and family to handle the threat. We intend to do that with least drama. I keep telling myself that our troubles are nothing compared to many Americans less privileged than us.



T. K. Rengarajan

American | Human | Optimist | Learner | Cloud | #BigData | #AfricaRising | Inclusion | தமிழ் | RT ≠ E | All views mine