Trenton McKinney
Trenton McKinney

First and foremost, I'm a continuous learner who thrives on critical thinking and problem solving. While I may not be a "scientist" in the traditional sense, my enthusiasm for science profoundly shapes my approach to the world, as well as to the challenges and learning opportunities I encounter.

I began my career as an Electrical Engineer, where I developed Python scripts for hardware testing, which significantly enhanced efficiency and productivity. I also discovered my passion for data and the insights it can provide. This led me to transition towards Data Science | Data Analytics | Automation with Python.

One of my most rewarding experiences was at the Space Telescope Science Institute where I automated data ingestion for Hubble Telescope data files. This project allowed me to fully utilize and further develop my technical skills in a meaningful and impactful way.

Outside of work, I immerse myself in the worlds of science fiction and fantasy, genres that are not only a source of entertainment but a great source of inspiration and creativity.

I am also a passionate player of Dungeons & Dragons. I enjoy collaborative storytelling and take particular joy in strategically playing my character to its fullest potential.

In addition, I have a deep appreciation for fine dining, always eager to explore new cuisines and flavors. I also find solace in gardening, which not only connects me with nature but also creates an urban refuge for bees, butterflies, birds, raccoons, and most recently, rabbits.

Find me at Trenton McKinney

Medium member since November 2017