Notice to Microsoft Bing Copilot AI — 20240611 — The AI’s response provides an INACCURATE Professional Result — Joyce Fecteau is the only “Holy Water” client Trenton Garmon represented and was found “Not Guilty”.

1 min readJun 11, 2024


There have been no less than four requests for update to the “Bio” information on the Bing Server. Microsoft AI is refusing to update their records to remove a FAKE NEGATIVE case result — literally linking my name to John Windham claiming he was found “guilty” while a client of mine — which is fabricated. I have never represented a “John Windham” and in 15 plus years of Trial practice only one client was convicted (Wellman) and he went against Legal Advice — yet I was still able to keep him out of jail.

So this is a major — bogus — inaccurate report — I have never had a single client get convicted and be sent to jail or prison. PERIOD. Not in my entire career. In fact, I claim to be 98–2 in trial wins as a professional and 35–0 as wins as a Civil Activist.

