QR Code Menu for Restaurants And Bars: Hygienic, Easy

Tretly Digital Qr
3 min readJul 27, 2022


Covid, the global pandemic which started in 2019 and still prevails, has made people go online for their every need. The internet world has made everything possible, even to do the work from home without reaching our office, and also made even the local vendors sell their veggies and fruits online, which made them explore new things. As everything went on, restaurants also went online so that they could recover their losses. They came up with the QR(Quick Response) code, invented in 1994 by the Japanese automotive company Denso Wave. After its invention, it was not used everywhere by everyone. During the pandemic, the QR codes began to be known and were used by more people as it was safe. Likewise, the restaurants also started using QR codes to keep their menu cards digitally available and easily accessible to the people. Their main aim was to increase their customers’ hygiene and make up their business, and with the technology, customers also learned how to scan QR codes for hotel menu.

Let’s see how can we create a Qr code menu for restaurants and bars: hygienic and easy:

Step 1: Log In to your Qr generator pro account.

Step 2: Select, and create a QR code in your dashboard.

Step 3: Select any of the code types — static or dynamic in static, you cannot update the menu; if you want to, then you need to create a new QR code, but in dynamic,

you can update your digital menu whenever you wish to.

Step 4: Name your QR code.

Step 5: Select the upload pdf button to upload the menu.

Step 6: Then, you fully upload the menu. After that, you may see two options:

  1. Select the link to directly lead your customers to the menu after scanning the QR code.
  2. Design and Customize the landing page of your menu.

Step 7: Choose the color and the design from the hex color codes.

Step 8: Fill in basic information in the pdf like the name, establishment date, menu, description, etc.

Step 9: To attract more customers and brand awareness, you can add your logo to the welcome screen.

Step 10: Select next to proceed with designing your Qr code if you want, or you can download your Qr code.

Now let’s see how we can use the Qr code menu for restaurants:

Qr codes kept at the entrance — Very few restaurants keep the physical menu outside, and if we need then we should go in and have a look. In this way very few customers would get in and check the menu as of now; it would be rare. So it’s better to use Qr code which can be carried by people freely on their smartphones and can be easily displayed inside and outside of the hotel.

Qr codes at the bar — As the customers enjoy the drink, waiting for a table to get vacant, the customer can look at digital menu cards that can be placed on the coasters or bar receipts, making the customer order quickly.

Qr codes at the table — QR codes can be placed artfully on the table to ensure the customers’ hygiene. The physical menus would be considered unhygienically related to touch contamination.

How to scan the QR code for the hotel menu:

Step 1 — Click and open the camera app on your smartphone.

Step 2 — Focus your camera on the QR code.

Step 3 — Then, finally follow the instructions on the screen to complete the action.

In this way, you can generate the QR codes and help your customers to enter into the world of foods from anywhere at any time and make a study of your digital menu. This would help them ensure the customers’ hygiene and get them slurpy juices and scrumptious food. To give your customers the best in an easy way, come to us at Tretly and generate your attractive QR codes and make people aware of your brand.

