Kylie Jenner Shocked by Backlash After Instagram Post Shows Her Carpet Bombing Arctic Glaciers

Trevor James G
2 min readJul 22, 2022


LOS ANGELES, CA — With record heat waves across the globe, many people are now more motivated to combat climate change than ever before. This makes Kylie Jenner’s recent instagram post somewhat of a slap in the face of those who have been trying their best to reduce their carbon footprint. Jenner posted what she must have thought was a fairly innocent picture of her G7 Gulfstream jet as it flew over one of the polar ice caps, appearing to unload dozens of bombs on a glacier.

The photo captioned, “Girls just want to have fun #BombshellBeauty”, sparked an outrage online as people questioned the potential impact she may haven been causing from such an action. One Instagram commenter said, “Did you even use natural materials for your heavy explosives or is the arctic now just littered with more trash that won’t decompose?” concerned about the potential waste from the blast. “This is bad, but did you clear out all the wildlife beforehand at least?”, someone asked thinking of the fauna that may have been obliterated from her Oppenheimer style display. Another individual raised a valid point commenting, “This is disgusting. I’ve significantly cut back on my use of C4 and TNT in the past few years to reduce climate change, but seeing this makes me feel like my actions won’t even make a dent”. Ms. Jenner has yet to comment on the controversy, but many have speculated it could be tied to her new line of lipstick colors, Bombs Away Blue, Ultimate Oblivion Orange, Blast Radius Beige, and Shrapnel Silver, though these speculations are unconfirmed. While the public usually gives billionaires a pass in situations like this, it seems this act may have pushed the people to their brink.



Trevor James G

I’m a guy @trevorjamesg on Twitter it’s all a joke