Trevor Bird
2 min readApr 19, 2016


No I don’t defend black face. I defended the innocence of a white child who was actually excited and thoroughly interested in spreading some of MLK’s messages to other students. She was a possible positive part of the next generation’s advocates for racial inequality and was slandered as a blatant racist.

If you see that being ok that you’re no help for the real inequality issue’s that need to be fought. I saw your point and I agree with it entirely. It was a very simple perspective to understand.

The point you’re actually missing is I was never arguing your statement, but pointing out that there is a point when it becomes ridiculous and unnecessarily harsh. The girl painting her face brown was in a sincere and innocent thought.

Yes, it is isn’t a good idea and she will be educated about it as life goes on, but to punish her and ostracize her was far too much. This may have discouraged a young mind to further pursue a genuine interest in social inequality of past, present, and future. This rhetoric used to argue dreadlocks as demeaning an entire class of people and making them seem inferior is fallacious reasoning and unnecessary.

It’s not people wearing those fake novelty Rastafarian dreadlock hats while pretending to smoke a joint and beat on some bongo drums like a fool. It’s just people dreading their hair as multiple cultures have done before so. Attacking people for it is not going to help inequality. On the other hand the former scenario I can see a reasonable argument for voicing one’s advocacy against it.

