How GaryVee’s Twelve And A Half Ingredients Helped Create VaynerMissions

Trevor Marks
9 min readJan 9, 2022


Back in August 2021, I pre-ordered 24 📚’s of Gary Vaynerchuk’s new 📚, Twelve And A Half: Leveraging The Emotional Ingredients Necessary for Business Success. This article explains how these ingredients helped me create VaynerMissions

In December when the 📚’s arrived, I started gifting 🎁 the other 23 copies to family, friends and colleagues (pictures at bottom), but I also decided to document Part 1 by tweeting the entire chapter and then posting recaps on my personal Instagram account while I read the 📚

Here are how the Twelve And A Half Emotional Ingredients Gary Vaynerchuk talks about in his incredible 📚 helped me create VaynerMissions


Definition: The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness

How Gratitude helped me create VaynerMissions

VaynerMedia’s “Scaling ❤️ for company culture” article

My favorite quote(s) about Gratitude from Gary Vaynerchuk’s 📚

As you’ll see in a minute, this example is close to my 💛


Definition: Conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives and desires

How Self-Awareness helped me created VaynerMissions

  • Since meeting Scott Harrison — the founder of charity: water 💛 — in December of 2019, I’ve become self-aware that my audacious vision of Storygiving would never happen until I partnered with the right company that truly believes in empowering and supporting their employees ❤️

Scott gave me three pieces of advice when I met him in December 2019

  1. The 🌎 needs your vision of Storygiving
  2. What you’re trying to do is going to be incredibly difficult, but it’ll be impactful and you’ll make a difference in people’s lives if you stay the course
  3. To reinvent corporate philanthropy start with one company; others will eventually follow. So I thought I’d try and start with VaynerMedia

Check out the short 4 minute video below to see how else Scott impacted me on my journey

This is Scott Harrison’s advice to me in December 2019

My favorite quote about Self-Awareness from Gary Vaynerchuk’s 📚


Definition: The fact or condition of being accountable, responsibility

How Accountability helped me created VaynerMissions

  • Without going into all the details publicly, I got me (and my parents) into a bad business partnership. In 2018/2019 I met someone who I thought was a friend, who I could trust and who said could help take my idea to the next level. He lied to me, used me, stole a bunch of money from me (and my parents) and it’s nobody’s fault but mine. My parents are incredible people that have supported me, my brother and sister in different ways throughout our lives. They personally invested in me to support my idea because I didn’t have enough money at the time. Unfortunately, I didn’t do enough research on the guy I got (us) into business with and I completely misjudged his intentions. It was a tough learning experience that I wish nobody ever has to go through, but as I reflect and connect the dots looking backwards — famous Steve Jobs quote — I’ve turned that tough and negative situation into a positive experience moving forward because I decided to take accountability 💪

My favorite quote about Accountability from Gary Vaynerchuk’s 📚


Definition: Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something

How Optimism helped me created VaynerMissions

My favorite quote about Optimism from Gary Vaynerchuk’s 📚


Definition: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another

How Empathy helped me created VaynerMissions

  • By being a true practitioner just like Gary Vaynerchuk, I’ve learned why people behave the way that they do.
  • I listened to why thousands of Facebook friends did — or did not — donate their birthdays and I documented my case study from 2019 with supporting testimonials.
  • I listened to why Zach (below) and hundreds of other colleagues of mine would love to have a chance to share their missions at DoorDash.
  • I listened to why Jessica believes VaynerMissions fits the Vayner culture and why she thinks Gary Vaynerchuk would love it.
  • Empathy is my intuitive feeling that Storygiving will be a big part of your life in the future because it’ll enhance company culture, create community and it’s ultimately what people want ❤️

My favorite quote about Empathy from Gary Vaynerchuk’s 📚


Definition: The quality of being friendly, generous and considerate

How Kindness helped me created VaynerMissions

  • It’s cool to be kind. VaynerMissions embodies kindness because of how it was designed. Each employee has 1 mission per year — on their Vaynerversary — BUT they can support as many other colleagues on their Vaynerversaries as they’d like by building out their VaynerLegacy. VaynerMissions gamifies and tokenizes how Vayner colleagues can support one another. At scale, Storygiving will empower employees to share their missions on their work anniversaries, but it’ll also empower people that work at different companies to support one another too ❤️

My favorite quote about Kindness from Gary Vaynerchuk’s 📚


Definition: The quality or fact of being very determined, determination

How Tenacity helped me created VaynerMissions

  • Since June 8th, 2020 I’ve reminded myself every single day that…

Talk about tenacity!

My favorite quote about Tenacity from Gary Vaynerchuk’s 📚


Definition: A strong desire to know or learn something

How Curiosity helped me created VaynerMissions

  • My curiosity has led me to become obsessed with why we have broken, uninspiring, and low performing charity matching programs at the companies we all work at. Through a ton of research, I found out that more than 90% of corporate philanthropy dollars are decided by less than 1% of the workforce, typically the business leaders and executives. I’ve spent over 10,000 hours learning how these systems are broken and I’ve built a better system that focuses on supporting colleagues missions on their work anniversaries by focusing on engagement because it’s what people want. As we all continue adapting to and building Web 3.0, I’m determined to bring Storygiving to life because it’ll decentralize how we give back in the corporate world in the future 💯
Source for the abysmal engagement %’s
Storygiving has 95% engagement compared to a typical charity matching program at 7% — watch the video below to see how the VaynerMissions Pilot yielded 95% engagement

My favorite quote(s) about Curiosity from Gary Vaynerchuk’s 📚


Definition: The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset

How Patience helped me created VaynerMissions

My favorite quote about Patience from Gary Vaynerchuk’s 📚


Definition: A firmly held belief or opinion

How Conviction helped me created VaynerMissions

  • I believe employees want to be included, contribute, have a voice, feel appreciated + valued, be recognized, find meaning + purpose, and experience community and VaynerMissions is one of many ways to do that at VaynerMedia. More importantly, I believe VaynerMissions will be the case study and set the foundation for what Storygiving will look like at other companies and corporations over the next decade too

I believe employees are worth supporting ❤️

  • Gary Vaynerchuk referenced in Twelve and a Half that if Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey or Jeff Bezos all walked into his room and told him NFT’s have no long term potential that he wouldn’t care about what they have to say. Despite me gearing up for that right hook 🥊 for almost 3 years now, I’d honestly feel the same way if Gary Vaynerchuk told me that Storygiving has no long term potential and he was uninterested to partner together. I’ve done enough research. I’m constantly watching what’s going on in society. There are TONS of employees needs not being met because the number of people quitting their jobs hit an all time high last November. I just assumed that with everything Gary Vaynerchuk preaches and stands for that if he understood what VaynerMissions was and we talked about what I believe Storygiving will be by 2030, that partnering together would be a no 🧠er for him. And because I believe that, before I try and partner elsewhere I’d love to see what Gary Vaynerchuk thinks of VaynerMissions

My favorite quote about Conviction from Gary Vaynerchuk’s 📚


Definition: A modest or low view of one’s own importance; humbleness

How Humility helped me created VaynerMissions

Of course Gary made the cut! Feel free to scroll through the Instagram handle I made in 2019: @thehumanbillboardforcharity

My favorite quote about Humility from Gary Vaynerchuk’s 📚


Definition: A strong desire to do or achieve something; typically requiring determination and hard work

How Ambition helped me created VaynerMissions

  • Before I die someday, I’d like to help Scott Harrison solve our global 🌍 water 🚰 crisis. I’d also like to inspire Gary Vaynerchuk ☁️ 👟 to bring VaynerMissions 🥊 to life so we can inspire other business leaders to empower and support their employees by making Storygiving the new normal. I know it’s what people want, so I’d like to build it for them ❤️

My favorite quote about Ambition from Gary Vaynerchuk’s 📚



Trevor Marks

Charity Water 💛 advocate and Managing Partner at FreeWater 💧