By 2050, All Politicians Will Be Live-Streamers

Americans already spend 50% of their days looking at screens.

Trevor Stark
3 min readDec 1, 2022


Photo by Caspar Rubin

Content is king.

Americans spend 7 HOURS looking at screens EVERY SINGLE DAY.

This means that people are spending nearly half of their waking hours on phones or computers.

Everyone in the US has a smart phone and the internet. The iPhone came out in 2007, meaning this phenomena is only about 15 years old.

The 2008 election was called “The Facebook Election” because of the huge benefit that Barack Obama saw from advertising on Facebook. Nearly 70% of voters under 25 voted for Obama.

Politicians used to spend millions on TV advertising, but social media has quickly replaced TV as the prime real estate for these ads.

2016 Presidential Campaign Advertising:

Hillary Clinton spent $211,400,000 on TV ads.

Donald Trump spent just $74,000,000 on TV ads.

However, Trump spent 3x more on social media advertisements than Hillary.

Hillary Clinton spent $30 million on social media ads.

Donald Trump spend $90 million on social media ads.

