I’m Selling All My Assets To Buy One Thing … Seriously.

Trevor Stark
9 min readApr 14, 2022

You’ll probably think I’m stupid, but you’ll see in the end…

Photo by Yiorgos Ntrahas on Unsplash

Everyone wants to retire early.

“Start a retirement account, invest in the S&P 500, and you’ll retire by 68”

Fuck that. I refuse to work for 50 years just to enjoy retirement for 10.

Nobody ever became rich quickly by doing what everyone else was doing. All the best investors say the same thing:

Diversification is for preserving wealth, concentration is for building it.

Billionaires Warren Buffett and Mark Cuban say: “Diversification is for idiots.”

Investing in a stock market index is pure diversification.

Diversification isn’t for idiots. Diversification is for people who don’t put the time and effort into researching what to invest in.

The more diversified your investments the more average your return will be. Average returns means you retire at 68…maybe.

My goal is not average returns.

The key to retiring early is to find the investment you have very high conviction in and pour all your money into it.

Currently, I can only name one investment that I have very high conviction in:

