Growing up without a father

Trevor Wallace
3 min readJan 3, 2017


Hello, my name is Trevor Wallace, before I launch into my life without a dad, I thought that it would be nice if you had a little more info on me and my family. To begin with, I was born on February 12th 1998 in Tallahassee Florida. I was born and raised in Tallahassee Florida. I grew up with a Twin brother, and a single mother. My grandparents have been with us since day one.

So to begin my story, February 12, 1998, my twin brother Trenton and I were born at TMH in Tallahassee Florida. When we arrived on earth we had no clue who anyone was except our mom of course! We where born innocent and free to live life as we wish! What we did not know at the time is that we had a terrible father. A father who left my mom pregnant with twins! What kind of asshole would do that! But he did. The first time we came home from the hospital to our first Baseball game, or the first day of high school, the first kiss, our 18th birthday.. all these monumental moments in Trenton’s and I’s life he was never there. To this day he remains out of our lives! Growing up with out a Earthly Father is hard! Your mom has to be the dad and the mom in one. when you get yelled at or spanked by your dad you had your mom to turn too and to nurture you, but I didn’t. When I got in trouble I had no safe place… when I wanted to learn how to kiss, I could not ask my mom how… I had to ask friends which we all know is a terrible idea! Any ways its tough, its like your family is not complete without a dad. It’s hard to put into words how you feel, that your dad who made you just turned his back and never stepped up and become a man. Its hard to think that you where not worth it to him…but I was lucky. I was lucky in the fact that my grandfather stepped up and took me in as his own, he was there for me when my dad wasn’t, he was my rock when I needed it, my biggest fan, the one that I could always look up to and he is the reason why I’m the man I am today. I’m now 18, a Lincoln High school Graduate, the Former Commanding officer of the Navy JROTC program, and now a United States Sailor. I made it, I made it with out him in my life, and one day I will find him and look him in the face and say thank you, see as sad as it is I would not be the young Man I am today, I would not have turned out the way I have and I like the way I am.

The Lesson I have learned

The lesson I have learned in life without a dad, is that you will make it. you can do anything you want as long as you put your mind to it, don’t let someone who doesn’t want you, ruin your life or your dreams, you be you, be the doctor or the lawyer or even the nuclear scientist that you want to be. Reach for the stars. Another thing that I have learned from this is that you will always have God. I know this sounds cheesy but you will have a heavenly father, one that will love you threw everything good and bad, one that will be with you forever and always! See knowing that makes life much easier and it makes me wake up everyday smiling. Jesus puts people in your life and he takes people out of your life, now do I believe that jesus took my dad out of my life, no but I do believe that he did put my grandfather in my life!

