The Second Claw of TREX20: NFT-Fi

2 min readMar 30, 2024

TREX20, a pioneering platform at the forefront of BRC20 innovation, introduces the NFT-Fi feature that merges the worlds of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) seamlessly. In a landscape where blockchain technology continually reshapes traditional financial models, NFT-Fi emerges as a game-changer, offering users unique opportunities to leverage their NFT assets for passive income generation and financial empowerment.

Revolutionizing Financial Opportunities

NFT-Fi represents a new wave in the utilization of NFTs, transcending their role as mere digital collectibles to become valuable assets within the DeFi ecosystem. By integrating NFTs into lending and borrowing protocols, NFT-Fi on TREX20 opens up a range of financial opportunities for users, empowering them to unlock liquidity from their NFT holdings without the need to sell or compromise ownership.

How NFT-Fi Works

NFT-Fi on TREX20 operates on a streamlined process that allows users to collateralize their NFTs to borrow funds or earn passive income by lending out their NFT assets. The process begins with borrowers listing their NFTs on the TREX20 Marketplace, specifying their desired loan amount, Annual Percentage Rate (APR), and loan duration. Lenders then review these listings and propose terms, including the loan amount, APR, and duration. Upon mutual agreement, the borrower’s NFTs are deposited into the TREX Escrow Wallet, while the lender’s funds are similarly secured.

The TREX Escrow Wallet facilitates transactions, conducting verification procedures for both parties to ensure security and transparency. Once the terms are finalized, the borrower receives the borrowed funds, while their collateralized NFTs remain locked in the escrow. Throughout the loan period, borrowers are responsible for repaying the borrowed amount along with the agreed-upon APR.

In the event of default by the borrower, where repayment is not made within the agreed timeframe, the contract governing NFT-Fi triggers a liquidation process. This process ensures that lenders are adequately compensated by seizing the collateralized NFTs, which are then auctioned off to cover the outstanding debt.

Overall, NFT-Fi on TREX20 revolutionizes the intersection of NFTs and DeFi, offering users unprecedented opportunities to maximize the value of their NFT holdings. With its secure and transparent infrastructure, NFT-Fi paves the way for a new era of financial inclusivity and empowerment within the blockchain ecosystem.

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TREX20 is revolutionizing and pioneering in GameFi built on Bitcoin Protocol with Multiple Games + an NFTFi Marketplace and progressive lotto under one roof.