Nesting React Components

Trey Alexander Davis
Byte-sized React
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2017

The power of React comes in it’s component-based nature. We can create and reuse components to build complex web interfaces. It’s kind of like building with Legos, but you get to create the blocks. Let’s build a few components that we will use to compose a blogging web page.

We’ll build this in CodePen- if you don’t know how to set up CodePen for React, check out this story.

First let’s start with a title component for our blog site:

const Heading = () => {
return (
<h1>My Blog</h1>

Then let’s put together the the blog section component:

const Blog = () => {
return (
<h2>Blog Title</h2>
<p>Blog Body</p>

Notice that we wrapped the h2 and p tags with a div tag. Remember that JSX compiles into a React.createElement function, and ReactDOM.render only accepts one React.createElement function. Wrapping the h2 and p tags ensures that we return one function when JSX is converted to JavaScript.

Now let’s nest those components to build our blogging web app:

const App = () => {
<Heading />
<Blog />
<Blog />
<Blog />

Once again, notice how we wrapped our components in a div tag to ensure that JSX returns one React.createElement function.

Now let’s render our app to the DOM- add your root div to your HTML file:

<div id="root"></div>

And then call ReactDOM in your JS file to render your app:

<App />,

You should be seeing this in CodePen:

Let’s break down what is going on here:

Nesting React Components Illustration

Check out the CodePen here:

Next- let’s pass some data to our components.

