Trey Johnson
2 min readSep 11, 2018

New Yorkers Can Fight Corruption by Voting

Larry Sharpe for Governor provides a way out for New Yorkers who wish to end corruption in their state government.

Larry Sharpe (L) is a Bronx native, a Marine Corps veteran, an entrepreneur, and a management consultant with 15 years of experience mentoring international executives, entrepreneurs & sales people. He is also a teacher, before serving as a guest instructor for business management and leadership at institutions such as Yale University, Columbia University, Baruch College and John Jay College.

In a recent poll, when pitted against the incumbent, Larry Sharpe was the closest competitor. The Republican candidate fell short where Larry came close, gaining 49% of the votes. He truly believes this is a three-way race where a third party candidate has the opportunity to make a run for the office.

Like Democrats, Larry believes voter apathy is the reason why citizens enable incumbents like the current Governor of New York. He is asking for New Yorkers to get out and vote! Not for a corrupt Democrat, nor the try hard Republican, but for a fresh new party moving up in the ranks of American Politics.

Libertarian party members have a higher IQ on average than any other party. Libertarian principles are rooted in revolutionary American ideals which created this great country. American voters have come to the realization that money in politics is the root of corruption. Larry Sharpe promises to decrease the amount of money available to corrupt individuals to choke their supply of power.

Sharpe went on the Joe Rogan podcast where expressed his plan for New York state and how he intends to bring sanity back to the governorship. As a former teacher, he has a plan to reform the education system in New York. He believes empowering local teachers and Parent Teacher Associations is the key to saving New York’s failing education system.

Larry wants to save New York. If New Yorkers vote Democrat or Republican, the incumbent will win the election and nothing will change. The state deserves a leader who is not corrupt and will not lead the state down the same unchanged path. New Yorkers deserve Larry Sharpe.

Trey Johnson

Trey Johnson is a natural born Texan who grew up in the Chihuahua desert.