Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishHow to Convert Traditional For Loops to JavaScript Array MethodsExplaining some JavaScript array methods through examplesOct 12, 20211Oct 12, 20211
Published inGeek CultureDoes Your Code Smell?A code smell is a surface indication that usually corresponds to a deeper problem in the system.Oct 5, 2021Oct 5, 2021
Published inGeek Culture5 Things You Can Do to Make Your Pull Request More Likely to Be approvedReviewing code is one of my more enjoyable tasks. I’ve written about how a reviewer can get better at doing code reviews, but now I want to…Sep 22, 2021Sep 22, 2021
Published inGeek CultureTips for Being an Effective Software Developer MentorMentorship can help facilitate growth in both the mentee and mentor. If you’ve had a great mentor, you know the impact they’ve made on you…Sep 20, 2021Sep 20, 2021
Published inGeek CultureHow to Fix Tribal Knowledge on Your Software Development TeamTribal knowledge was historically an issue with the software teams I’ve been a part of. To help with this, we started to document our work…Sep 19, 20211Sep 19, 20211
Published inGeek CultureHow to get better at doing code reviewsA great skill to build on as you move up the developer chain is your code review ability. You may think you’re only providing value to the…Sep 18, 20211Sep 18, 20211