Recommended Readings on Venezuela

The Tricontinental Team’s Reading Recommendations on Venezuela

this will never get old…

The following list of sources, articles, writers, and books is intended to help build both an understanding of the current development of events and the history that led up to it.

First, we recommend these sources to follow for current updates:
Venezuela Analysis
Grayzone Project
People’s Dispatch
Brasil de Fato (English, Portuguese, Spanish)
Alliance for Global Justice
The Intercept
Monthly Review
Reports of the Ministry of the Popular Power for Foreign Relations on unilateral coercive measures imposed on Venezuela

Resumen Latinoamericano and the Third World (English & Spanish)

The Real News

Misión Verdad (Spanish)

If you’re on the road, cooking dinner, or doing laundry — don’t worry, here are some videos and podcasts that you can listen to or watch:

Neoliberalism or Death: The U.S. Economic War Against Venezuela (The Intercept, Podcast and text)

Regime Change We Can Believe In: The U.S. Agenda in Venezuela, Haiti, and Egypt (The Intercept, Podcast and text)

Donald Trump and the Yankee Plot to Overthrow the Venezuela Government (The Intercept, Podcast and text)

Blood for Oil in Venezuela? (The Real News, video)

US Sanctions on Venezuela Possibly Worse than Iraq Sanctions Before War (The Real News)

And here is a list of articles that we think might help you out — we made lists in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French:

English Articles

Dossier 17: Venezuela and Hybrid Wars in Latin America

Venezuela Crisis: FAQs (Code Pink)

Why Does the United States of America Want to Overthrow the Government of Venezuela? (Venezuela Analysis, Vijay Prashad)

What’s really behind Trump’s coup push in Venezuela: Campaigning for his next term (Michael Fox)

Who Is the Real Culprit Behind Venezuela’s Political Turmoil? (Toward Freedom, Celina della Croce)

“The People of Venezuela Go To Vote” (Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research)

America’s Hostile Venezuela Policy Is Slowly Strangling Haiti (Truthdig, Vijay Prashad)

America’s Hostile Venezuela Policy Is Slowly Strangling Haiti (Truthdig, Vijay Prashad)

A Failed Coup in Venezuela (Vijay Prashad)

America Has Its Gunsights on Venezuela (Vijay Prashad)

Venezuelan Opposition Leader Guaido Declares Himself President, Recognized by US and Allies (Venezuela Analysis)

Washington follows Ukraine, Syria roadmap in push for Venezuela regime change (Monthly Review)

UN Report: Report of the Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order on his mission to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Ecuador* (United Nations)

Spanish Articles

Dossier 17: Venezuela y las guerras híbridas en Nuestra América

Venezuela define el futuro de toda la región (Claudio Katz)

Portuguese Articles

Dossiê 17: Venezuela e as guerras híbridas na América Latina

French Articles

Books (Spanish)

Books (English)

  • The Magical State: Nature, Money, and Modernity in Venezuela (Fernando Coronil)
  • Rethinking Venezuelan Politics: Class, Conflict, and the Chávez Phenomenon (Steve Ellner)
  • Who Can Stop the Drums? Urban Social Movements in Chávez’s Venezuela (Sujatha Fernandes)
  • The Colonial Elite of Early Caracas: Formation and Crisis 1567–1767 (Robert J. Ferry)
  • Café con Leche: Race, Class, & National Image in Venezuela (Winthrop R.Wright)
  • Electing Chavez: The Business of Anti-Neoliberal Politics in Venezuela (Leslie Gates)
  • Hugo! The Hugo Chávez Story, from Mud Hut to Perpetual Revolution (Bart Jones)

We at Tricontinental also think you should read Ciccariello-Maher’s Building the Commune (Verso, 2016) but in case you don’t have time, check this out:

  • Venezuela’s Bolivarian Democracy: Participation, Politics and Culture under Chávez (Dan Hellinger and David Smilde David)
  • The Road to OPEC: United States Relations with Venezuela, 1919–1976 (Stephen Rabe)
  • The Enduring Legacy: Oil, Culture, and Society in Venezuela and Venezuela, What Everyone Needs to Know (Miguel Tinker Salas)Tunstall, Tricia. Changing Lives: Gusatvo Dudamel, El Sistema, and the
  • Channeling the State, Community Media and Popular Politics in Venezuela (Naomi Schiller)
  • The Paradox of Plenty: Oil Booms and Petro-States (Terry Lynn Karl)
  • Barrio Rising: Urban Popular Politics and the Making of Modern Venezuela (Alejandro Velasco)
  • Changing Venezuela by Taking Power: The History and Policies of the Chavez Government (Gregory Wilpert)

We hope you enjoy our list! Please feel free to send more suggestions to us.



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