How Personality Types Indicate Interests

Triangle Africa
4 min readOct 15, 2019


Source: Liquid Planner

A person’s personality in simple terms refers to their unique characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving, but as straight to the point as the idea of an individual’s personality may seem, psychologists, do not necessarily agree on a single definition of what exactly accounts for an individual’s personality.

Personality Psychologists have grouped personalities into different types so as to figure out the unique characteristics of individuals as well as similarities among groups of people. Focusing on the personality type grouping of the Myer Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), there are 16 personality types, and they are explained under the following scales:

  • Extroverts: They are often energized by spending time with people, enjoy a variety of tasks and are good at multitasking. They also prefer a quick pace and a busy, active surrounding. They tend to be more expressive and outspoken.
  • Introverts: They are often energized by working alone or in small groups, prefer a more deliberate pace and like to focus on one task at a time. They tend to be more reserved and thoughtful.
  • Sensors: They are real people who like to focus on facts and details. They apply common sense and past experiences to come up with practical solutions to problems. They often focus on their five senses and are interested in the information they can directly see, hear, feel, and so on. They tend to be hands-on learners and are often described as “practical.”
  • Intuitives: They prefer to focus on possibilities and the big picture, they easily see patterns, value innovation and seek creative solutions to problems. They often focus on a more abstract level of thinking and are more interested in theories, patterns, and explanations. They are more concerned with the future than the present and are often described as “creative.”
  • Thinkers: They tend to make decisions using logical analysis, objectively weigh pros and cons, value honesty, consistency, and fairness and tend to make decisions with their heads; they are interested in finding the most reasonable choice.
  • Feelers: They tend to be sensitive and cooperative. They make decisions with their hearts and decide based on their values and how others will be affected by their actions.
  • Judgers: They tend to be organized and prepared, like to make and stick to plans and are comfortable following most rules because they appreciate structure and order and dislike last-minute changes.
  • Perceivers: They prefer to keep their options open so that they can change their minds as they deem fit. They also like to be able to act spontaneously and appreciate flexibility while making plans.

Different groups of people have unique personality types that majorly define them and determines their interests. Psychologists continually research on how personality types affect an individual’s interest, according to American psychologist, John L Holland’s theory, he highlights six basic personality types and how they indicate certain interests.

Source: Louis Ville

· Realistic: Like to work mainly with their hands, enjoy making, fixing, assembling or building things as well as using and operating equipment, tools or machines and often like to work outdoors.

· Investigative: Like to discover and research ideas, observe, investigate and experiment. Also, enjoy asking questions and solving problems.

· Artistic: Like to use words, art, music or drama to communicate, perform, or express themselves. Also, enjoy creating and designing things.

· Social: Like to work with people to teach, train and inform. Enjoy helping, treating, healing, serving and greeting. Also, concerned for the wellbeing and welfare of others.

· Enterprising: Like meeting people, leading, talking to and influencing others. Also, enjoy encouraging people and working in a business.

· Conventional: Like working indoors and at tasks that involve organizing and being accurate, following procedures, working with data or numbers and planning work and events.

It is obvious that personality types indicate and determine whatever interests an Individual. Interests also determine and influence the type of occupation or career that an individual would perform well and succeed at. Personality tests are very effective in shedding more light on what interests you and how you can turn those interests into a career.

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Triangle Africa

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