Small changes. Big results.

Tribe of Five
3 min readSep 28, 2017


Scenario: you come across a “top 10 list” full of good suggestions that could help you level up your life (like this one). You feel a surge of inspiration, save the link, yet never end up opening it up again…

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why does this happen”?

We’ve been obsessing over this question for the past 3 years. Specifically, we are fascinated about what could happen if everyone we knew, and in turn, everyone THEY knew, actually followed through and put one suggestion into practice from the various top 10 lists that are floating around.

Personally and professionally, our lives started to change when we actually followed through. And it has continued to change in a noticeable way since we started reading, meditating, and getting our morning routines in order. We’ve moved ahead in our careers and relationships. We’ve tackled physical challenges that pushed our perceived limits. And we’re all working on something we believe in (this project!).

Put another way, every single one of us at Tribe of Five have become a better version of ourselves.

The thing is, at first, we thought we would have to change our entire lifestyle. We incorrectly assumed we would have to start waking up at 5am, could never watch Netflix on a weeknight, and definitely had to give up ice cream forever.

However, we quickly found out that wasn’t sustainable. And it’s a good thing that we did.

Through a number of course corrections, we’ve identified a formula where we can put in small changes into our daily routine (typically before or after work) that yield big results that we could see and feel. The only thing is, we had to consistently do it. And as long as we did, we would see positive results stack on top of each other and compound over time.

Small changes and big results. This is our goal at Tribe of Five.

Our mission is to help YOU get started on the journey to become your best self. And the way we do that is by leveraging the power of accountability.

Why? Because inherently, each of us know that accountability buddies could be beneficial. But we also know how awkward it can be trying to find these people for each goal we have.

So most of us end up trying to rely on our own willpower to stay the course. That strategy unfortunately doesn’t work. Just look at the ~80% of people who quit on their New Years resolutions by mid February (source: NYT). But of course, you already knew that.

But what if it were easy to find like-minded accountability buddies who were also working on the same goals you were? That’s what we’re here to find out!

We’ve removed the friction of finding accountability buddies out of the equation! And by doing that, we‘re already seeing people working together and getting better.

Take Irina, who recently participated in a 30 day cleaning challenge. She told us,

“It’s really empowering to see someone do the thing you want to but haven’t. It helps motivate you to do it yourself. Plus, what do you have to lose?”

What goal have you been putting off or struggling to follow through with? And why are you trying to go at it alone when there are tons of accountability buddies out there who want to work together to get better?

It’s time to dig up that “top 10” list somewhere in your bookmarks and see what happens when you follow through!

We hope you stay tuned as we document our journey with Tribe of Five and share success stories along the way!



Tribe of Five

Our mission is to help YOU get started on their own journey to become their best self. We do this by leveraging the power of accountability!