The Meaning Of Awe

Paul Ricken
2 min readFeb 6, 2015


Awe happens when you come across goodness on a grand scale, and you feel overwhelmed by greatness. Awe is triggered when we are faced with the vastness of Nature, or the cosmos. Gazing at the Milky Way and counting the stars, or standing at the top of the Grand Canyon triggers awe. Have you had a moment of awe lately?

Awe not only happens around you and outside of you. Awe can be experienced within you.

Can you imagine that?

That feeling of being invincible, being unstoppable.

That feeling of being extreme self-confident without being boastful.

That feeling you will conquer the world.

The feeling anything is possible for you.

The feeling you are able to learn anything you want.

The feeling you determine your level of happiness and success and it actually happens.

The feeling you experience absolute comfort and savety spending time alone with the entire version of yourself in silence.

For small business owners and other creative artists out there who are trying to make a living mainly online serving other people’s lives it is not that obvious.

A lot of business owners and artists struggle to find the right format(s), the secret recipe(s), the spot on business model, the right tone of voice.

Some people try to find it testing a lot and studying other people’s quest and struggles — how they managed to break through and create the market that suites them. Presenting the customers they desire to serve.

I haven’t found it out for myself either.

I just follow what is important to me and what I want to devote my life to; ‘Create awesome lives and spread awesomeness’. For all human kind.

I experience awe each day.

Today I shared my every day happiness recipe with a group of trainees. Appreciation, Affection and Attention. The three A’s.

For you to also apply each day with everyone you meet.

I left the group with awe after I told an example out of my daily life visiting the baker expressing the three A’s.

That’s awe enough for me.

Leaving other people with awe.

Next time I will meet the group I am sure some people will try to apply the three A’s.

And they will gladly share their examples with me.

How’s that for an awe?!!

Love all, play to the max, achieve anything. Be Awesome!

If you want to know about my baker’s story, leave a comment or send an email….

Just go to Story 310.



Paul Ricken

Love being a husband, trainer, coach, developer, author and sportsman.