You Are Not The Genie In The Bottle

Paul Ricken
3 min readMar 24, 2015


Genie, King, Lady, Wisdom and….

One upon a time there was a king. He led a prosperous land.

One day the king found a bottle with a genie inside.

The king was delighted.

This meant he good wish whatever he wanted.

The king released the genie.

However the genie said that the king could wish whatever he wanted but he also warned the king.

As long as the genie was busy granting his wishes the king was fine.

Should the genie have nothing to do, the genie was allowed to kill the king…

The king was still delighted. The prospect of all of his wishes coming true was to awesome to turn down.

The king started to present his wishes and more wishes and more wishes.

However he also started to worry a little bit. What if he could not come up with any wish at all?

He decided to consult a old wise woman in a village nearby.

She recognized his predicament and made a suggestion;

‘Build a pole a high as heaven and let the genie climb the pole over and over again until you’ve come up with another wish. That should keep the genie busy. Your wish is simple; you want the genie to climb the pole over and over again’.

So the king was relieved.

He told the genie what he wanted and immediately the genie went for it.

Predicament solved.


The genie climbing the pole is your mind thinking thoughts all the time.

The mind loves to do things so it thinks a lot of things.

However you are not your mind.

Do not identify with your thoughts.

You are not your thoughts.

That’s why meditation and a power nap are so useful.

It makes you aware that you are not only the waves, you are the ocean itself.

It also meand you can surrender yourself to the now in which you do the things you want to do.

The things that excite you.

While doing that you present your gift to the world.

The one thing you love to do and you are great at.

And it happens to be just that that will change the lives of others.

Better, improve or revive the lives of others.

Can you imagine that?

Don’t turn this into a big thing.

It’s not like you have do something so profound that people feel they have to make choices that’ll change their lives completely.

It’s in the small things as well.

Teaching people how to meditate is awesome as well.

Being a volunteer for the elderly is awesome as well.

Loving your children and giving them space to be whoever they want to be is awesome as well.

Loving your spouse without bargaining and leaving out the conditions is awesome as well.

Expressing a positive mind each and every day is awesome as well.

Advising people on how to fill in their tax forms so they will get money in return is awesome as well.

You get the drift.

Do whatever you’re great at and don’t let your mind mess you up.

There are just to many thoughts anyway — 60.000 of ‘m each day -

Love all, play to the max, achieve anything. Be Awesome.

You can read this article at http:/ Article 355



Paul Ricken

Love being a husband, trainer, coach, developer, author and sportsman.