Your Life Holds A Promise

Paul Ricken
4 min readNov 21, 2014

You are running a for purpose life.

Albert Einstein said it best: “Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

Does that mean that what happens to us in our daily lives is an illusion — that what we do, see, touch and experience is not real?

Not exactly.

What you believe about the world tends to be true. You are the projector, and the reality you experience is yours alone, a projection of your inner “movie” of beliefs and perceptions.

Think of it this way: your eyes are a projector. You see things the way they are, and you decide they have to stay that way.

Your thinking shapes what happens in the real world. All the troubles and obstacles that keep you in shackles come from the way you chose to perceive the world.

If your life were a novel, you’d be the main character. But you’re also the writer of the story, even though you may not realize it just yet.

Each person has a completely unique way of seeing the world. This viewpoint is born from your history, beliefs, relationships, and experiences.

So Einstein’s statement that reality is an illusion means that “reality” and “truth” are also constructs of each individual’s mind. In other words…

Your mind shapes your reality.

Your beliefs and perceptions cause your mind to make judgments about the world.

Those judgments manifest into your life.

Imagine two different people in the same situation. Once all was said and done, you’d hear two different stories about that situation.

But those two interpretations would be very real to the individuals.

Reality is built on familiarity. Not comfort. Not even desire. Reality is built by what’s recognizable.

Are your dreams recognizable? Do you find your desires completely out of reach?

Therein lies the problem. Limited beliefs create limited possibilities.

This creative visualization roadblock is understandable. Most people feel as if they are victims of circumstances. After all, we see and experience those circumstances every day.

But have you ever thought about the meaning of the word circumstance?

Its origin is the Latin ‘circumstare’ or “to stand around.” That means you are in the center of an infinite circle, and your creations — your circumstances — stand around you.

You’ve written the circumstances. And with creative visualization, you can write yourself out by creating a new reality…

A reality that you’ve designed for yourself.

How can this be? How can your circumstances be your own creation?

It can be hard to imagine. After all, if your reality doesn’t fit your dreams, how can you reset the situation? It’s not as if you deliberately cause roadblocks for yourself.

So look at your own life with a scientific lens for a moment. A series of thoughts lead to your choices, and your choices lead to your action.

If you reach deep enough, you can trace every result in your life back to your thinking pattern.

When you look at your circumstances metaphysically, the vibration of your thoughts attracts similar vibrations, and those corresponding vibrations manifest in your reality.

These scientifically proven truths about creative visualization are incredibly humbling but also empowering.

Everything that has ever been created started as a thought. Your thought.

To put this idea into your own life, think about the inventions you use everyday: a pen, the Internet, chairs, your home. All of these things were born from thoughts. Before the inventor used creative visualization to manifest these things, they didn’t exist before.


That is the purpose of your vision. It means that you are constantly shaping reality, either consciously or unconsciously.

Creative visualization helps you shape your reality exactly as you want it.

“The greatest achievement in life is to have the ability to create the world around you, so that it matches the dreams in your mind.”

Mike Dillard

If you don’t like your reality, you — and only you — have the brainpower to change those circumstances.

Change your words and images of your reality and you’ll change your worth! (by Adam Braun).

That’s the foundational truth you have to know to use the science of creative visualization. Do you feel more powerful now?

Do you want to know the technique how to do that?

I’ve got it; send me an email, comment or voicemail on the right, and I’ll give it to you gladly.

Love all, play to the max, achieve anything. Be Awesome!

Read or listen to the PODCAST of this article at Article 233



Paul Ricken

Love being a husband, trainer, coach, developer, author and sportsman.