The Accord: A film about the turbulent relationship between an Icelandic surfer and the North Atlantic wind.

Tributaries Digital Cinema is proud to present The Accord, a new surf film premiering at the 2016 Telluride MountainFilm Festival

10 min readMay 10, 2016

Hey Friends,

Welcome to The Accord film MEDIA KIT! Hopefully it provides some insight into our latest and most ambitious project to date. There’s a ton of pictures and media goodies at the bottom, so go ahead and scroll! Thanks for clicking through and we’d love to hear what you think —

— RC Cone and the rest of the Tributaries Digital Cinema team


Release Details


  • Creative Excellence — Banff Mountain Film Festival
  • Grand Prize — Kendal Mountain Film Festival
  • Best Short — Santa Cruz Surf Film Festival
  • Best Short — Paris Surf and Skateboard Film Festival
  • Best Cinematography — Berlin Surf Film Festival
  • Best Cinematography — Santa Cruz Surf Film Festival
  • Best Soundtrack — Santa Cruz Surf Film Festival

Q&A with Director and Co-Writer RC Cone

Tell us about The Accord, where did it start?

Oddly enough it all started with fishing. I’ve been shooting salmon fishing in Iceland for the past few years and have made some great friends, including Elli. In August 2015, I was drinking beers in Reykjavik with Elli and he mentioned that he’s always wanted to make a movie about Icelandic surfers. From there, he showed me all of this amazing writing that he’s done about surfing in Iceland and it all fell into place from there.

It seems like a very International crew made this movie, what was it like working with people all over the world?

It was the best part by far. I’ve been working in a 7–8 hour time zone difference for the past 7 months. It’s fun to start your day with new color grades from the colorist in Copenhagan or new voiceover recordings from the audio engineer in Reykjavik.

It seems you guys road-tripped all over Iceland, tell me about some of the locations in the film.

Without being too specific, in the course of our travels we drove around the Island multiple times. It’s just the way surfing works there, it’s like the wind and the swell are on two different clocks and you have to chase those rare times when they sync up. My favorite place is actually Elli’s sister’s cabin out on Snæfellsnes. It’s a classic A-Frame in the middle of nowhere with a small break 5 minutes away all the while being surrounded by glaciers and a rather large volacano. It’s a surreal spot.

Tell us about this character you’re introducing, the North Atlantic wind.
What was it like working with a new actor in scenes that had heavy narrative elements in them?

The North Atlantic wind is totally an Elli character that clicked with the entire crew pretty quickly. The instant Elli showed me this wind character in his various writings, I knew we had to bring him on screen. I also knew instantly that our friend Gummi (Gudmundur Thorarinn) would be a perfect fit. Gummi is the kindest, most mellow soul ever, so getting him to yell, headbang and throw bar chairs took a little coaxing, but I think we found what we were all looking for.

Tell me about how this movie was written, how did the screen play come about?

For better or worse, I’ve always subscribed to the typical adventure documentary process. Shoot first, figure it out later. With this movie, we barely shot anything until we had a workable script. We knew we wanted surfing, camping, adventure but there were hours upon hours of hashing out what the narrative elements looked like. Lot’s of coffee/beers sitting around and discussing/arguing/writing script. It was a really fun time for this production. Once we agreed on all the elements, I worked on bringing it to screen.

Most of your previous work has to do with fly fishing, why move into surfing?

I love both and I really don’t see that much of a difference between the two. Yes, technically they’re worlds apart but the “why” is exactly the same for me. That world that I can escape to where menial things like fish caught, waves ridden are important.

How did you shoot the film? On what cameras? How long did production take?

I spent 10 days in Iceland with Elli and Heidar in September 2015, that’s when we did the majority of our camping, adventuring and, most importantly, writing. We actually shot a bunch of narrative scenes that we totally scrapped, for example: we ended up re-shooting the wind’s scenes to get his character better and weave him more into the story.

After those 10 days, I spent a couple months editing and experiementing before spending a month in Iceland in November 2015. This is when we shot the majority of our surf and really nailed down script and our narrative scenes. Including post-production, all in all, I’ve been working on this movie for about 8 months.

We primarily shot on a RED Epic with a GH4 as our B camera.

A lot of people don’t even know there is surfing in Iceland, let alone a surf culture — what did you find interesting about the surfing in Iceland?

The culture is so small! I have a hard time imagining everyone in California who identifies themselves as a surfer but, in Iceland, you can meet all of them. Just wait for the swell to line-up! All 20 of them will be there! It’s a cool community that has something very special on their hands.

How did the film get off the ground? What was the process of getting the film made?

We just made it! We simply wanted to see this movie come to light, so we started off with no funding or sponsors. My company, Tributaries Digital Cinema, primarily funded the fist production stages of the movie. It definitely had a guerilla feel to it while actually shooting, gas-station hot dogs and sleeping in a tent were the name of the game.

Later, we were lucky enough to bring on one of Iceland’s premiere brands, 66 North. They’ve been making outerwear for Icelandic fishermen since 1926 so working with them and their salty ambassador, Heidar Logi, feels very spot on. The Icelandic reception has been great.

What was the biggest challenge you encountered?

I am not a surf cinematographer. I’ll do my best but it’s terrifying releasing images that some of the surf #bosses would laugh at. Also, I didn’t swim with a camera once. It’s something I’m just so unsure about that I depended on zoomed glass from shore — so next time I’d like to start spending more time in the water.

This looks like a fun film to make, any memorable stories?

Other than the millions of inside jokes that are created from sitting in cars, waiting for swell with your friends for way too long — I really enjoyed directing and working with the Wind. Having someone on camera trying to re-enact the emotions of the wind was such a fun experience for me as a director and want to explore that space more.


Short Synopsis.

A film about the turbulent relationship between an Icelandic surfer and the North Atlantic wind.

Long Synopsis.

The reality of growing up a surfer in Iceland is different from anywhere else in the world. It’s a harsh place. There are no surf shops, guidebooks or webcams. Icelandic surfers are seriously on their own both in and out of the water. But being so far removed from the hustle and bustle of the known surf world hardens Iceland’s surfers to confront the issue they all must face: the North Atlantic wind.

This wind is like a drunkard 10 minutes before closing time; you never know what the bastard’s up to. He can be in the throes of a calm alcohol stupor one minute, fly into a fit of rage the next, and then, in a moment of pure brilliance and drunken unpredictability, the North Atlantic wind can be the most magnificent man in the room.

Heiðar Logi Elíasson has dealt with the North Atlantic wind his entire life and although Iceland isn’t a “surfer’s paradise,” growing up on a tiny Island in the middle of the North Atlantic has taught Heidar a few tricks in dealing with adverse conditions. First amongst them, that dangerous dance with the North Atlantic wind.

Follow Heiðar Logi on his journey through Iceland searching for that rare, yet significant, compromise that brings both Icelandic surfers and that bastard wind to the table. Starring Gudmundur Thorain as the North Atlantic wind, The Accord’s world premiere will be at the Telluride Mountainfilm Festival May 28. Go to for more information.

Medium Synopsis.

The reality of growing up a surfer in Iceland is different from anywhere else in the world. It’s a harsh place. There are no surf shops, guidebooks or webcams. But being so far removed from the hustle and bustle of the known surf world hardens Iceland’s surfers to confront the issue they all must face: the North Atlantic wind.

Follow Heiðar Logi Elíasson on his journey through Iceland searching for that rare, yet significant, compromise that brings both Icelandic surfers and the North Atlantic wind to the table. The Accord’s world premiere will be at the Telluride Mountainfilm Festival May 28. Go to for more information.

About the Cast.

Heiðar Logi Elíasson — Icelandic Surfer

Heiðar Logi Elíasson, Photo by Elli Thor Magnusson.

Heidar Logi grew up in Iceland and learned to surf at 16 years old. He discovered quickly that surfing is a tool for to go on adventures, to go discover and to make memories for when he grows old. Somehow he always want more. Heidar Logi can’t get enough of travelling to new places with good friends and enjoying those sacred moments. Nothing else beats it for him.

Heiðar Logi Elíasson is known as Iceland’s first and only professional surfer. Being an ambassador for 66 North is just the start of Heidar’s blossoming surf career.

Gudmundur Thorarinn— The North Atlantic Wind

Gudmundur Thorarinn — The North Atlantic Wind

Gudmundur is a half danish, Scandinavian Icelandic beard loving father. He is a jack of most trades and a master of some, and likes to get his hands dirty working in various positions in the building industry. What really makes him tick though is his son Nore, his family and friends, tiny living, smart design/architecture/inventions, sustainability, everything eco friendly and making as small a footprint as possible on earth while enjoying it to the fullest. This is his first time on the big screen, and looks forward to more opportunities in the future.

About the Filmmakers.

RC Cone — Co-writer/Director

Director, RC Cone

RC Cone moved from the flatlands to the big sky country when he was 18. Graduating from the University of Montana with a degree in Environmental Studies profoundly shaped his worldview and a concentration in Photojournalism honed his sense of aesthetic. Working with amazing companies such as Patagonia, Orvis and Howler Bros on a collection of adventure documentaries cemented RC’s love for outdoor cinema and the connections it creates. He and his camera have travelled around four continents and dream everyday of new adventures.

Download headshot.

Production company: Tributaries Digital Cinema

Directors Statement.

I’ve spent part of the past 3 years traveling around Iceland and getting to know not only it’s incredible landscapes but also it’s incredible culture. The people of Iceland are amazing. When my friend, Elli Thor Magnusson approached with a script idea for a movie solely about Icelandic surfers I couldn’t have been more excited. Iceland is on fire right now cinematically but most of the visuals we see come out of Iceland are American or Euro centric. I loved the idea of being able to tell a story uniquely based in that part of the world, written by someone from there. It was truly a privilege to be a part of this project.

— RC Cone

Elli Thor Magnusson — Writer/Producer/Still Photographer

Writer, Elli Thor Magnusson

A big part of Elli’s childhood was spent sleeping in tents, mountain huts and cabins. His parents shared with him their love for the outdoors. Hiking, biking, cross-country skiing, kayaking, the particular activity didn’t matter as long as we were outside and enjoying ourselves.

This affinity for the outdoors stuck with Elli. He’s spent most of his adult life looking for ways to escape city life, to find new adventures. Somewhere along the way he picked up a camera. Elli was never one for writing a journal and a camera seemed like a good substitute, He haven’t stopped using it since.

Elli’s camera has given his travels, friends, activities and adventures a new meaning. It still doesn’t matter if it’s surfing, snowboarding, hiking or kayaking, the principles are the same. As long as you are out in nature, in good company and enjoying yourself the rest is irrelevant.

Festival Schedule

Check our Facebook page for all screenings!

World Premiere: Telluride MountainFilm Festival, May 28–30 2016.


Link: Dropbox folder of images.

Image credits: The Accord film / Tributaries Digital Cinema. Or Elli Thor Magnusson where marked in the file name. Please tag the Accord social accounts in any post.

Link: Dropbox folder of short videos.

Please tag the Accord social accounts in any post.

About Tributaries Digital Cinema

We are a boutique production company that specializes in telling stories of meaning while immersing ourselves and audiences in the outdoors. We tell our stories in 4K using the latest RED Epic camera, our aerial drone named “HAL 9001“ and a variety of fun gadgets and gizmos that allow for immersive experiences and engaging storytelling — concepts, we believe, that CAN change the world.




We are a tribe of dreamers, catalyzing environmental action through youthful passion.