Steve Jobs: A True Inspiration, Encyclopedia of Courage, Idea, and Revolution

Tricky Truths
4 min readOct 8, 2018

Steve Jobs is not only the person who gave us one of the unmatched but the best technologies that not everyone can imagine. He inspired the world by his attitude, Steve did not care about his loses but he cared about what can be done? Steve Jobs was one of the best motivation for people who thinks defeats are the end of life. He proves to the world if you have an idea and you believe in it, then nothing else matters. His whole life and work are more inspirational than the technologies he gave to the world.

His name is enough to inspire and intimate people incredibly!

Steve Jobs- The creator of Apple.

The man who altered the meaning of technology forever.

His legacy is different like one-of-a-kind.

The Birth of A Hero — Steve Jobs

Born to parents who were not capable of growing him, Steve Jobs was adopted by a working couple. Paul and Clara Jobs took him home and did all to raise him efficiently.

Steve Jobs excelled in his academic career. Some consider him to be a born genius. Though his biological parents deny to accept him because they did not have money to carry a new soul. While he was young, Jobs found great interest in intricacies and the power of a computer.

He accompanied his mechanic father and would stay there for hours bottling with the parts of cars. His teachers considered him to be exemplary and so suggested to skip grades but his parents denied. Though Jobs had a significant interest in technology, yet he never loved school. A college dropout, he never got back to what left. He never saw again and kept on unboxing new path for himself.

Jack Ma: The guy who challenged the destiny to create history

A Ride To Steve Jobs Journey

  • In 1972, Steve Jobs entered college but soon dropped out. He went only to attend few classes that fascinated him and slept on the floor of his friend’s room.
  • Next year, Jobs enrolled for a calligraphy course.
  • In 1974, Steve Job joined a video making agency named Atari and held meetings with Steve Wozniak
  • On 1st April 1976, Steve Jobs along with Wozniak created a circuit board on garage and them started the life of Apple.
  • Later next year, the Apple II has launched the first PC that could generate color graphics.
  • The year 1983 saw Lisa computer on sale by Apple.
  • 1984, Jobs introduced Macintosh, the first successful small computer having a graphical interface.
  • But a clash wiry John Sculley, Job has to Quit apple.

Here, Steve Jobs journey took a steep turn. He founded NeXT computer and by 1993 sold around 50k machines. Steve Job was successful in reshaping his career.

Though Apple denied to keep him along, he crafted his path again. The same year apple suffered a significant pitfall. A loss of $188 million and failed in competing with the IBM. John Sculley has to resign. Poor he!

Massive Change

1996, And yes Steve is back. Apple buys NeXT and also appoints Jobs as the chief advisor. With Apple having Steve Job, it again started multiplying currency. Steve get selected as the CEO, and the fallen Apple is now on its track.

Post this; Apple gave significant hits. iPod, iPads, and the decade-old iPhone. But as Apple grew older and older, Jobs health deteriorated drastically. Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer, Jobs could not survive even after his surgery and had to resign from Apple.

“I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.”

5th October 2011, yes the same day seven years before -

Steve Jobs gained divinity.

An Inspiration he is, The heart of Apple. Steve Job remains alive forever.

Whenever we think of Apple, the only name the poos is Steve Jobs.

His last words were “Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.”

