Still, have the care despite the loss of the bitcoin market.

Trieu Vo
3 min readDec 7, 2018


The carefulness of the people still stands there although the market is now on the red sea.

One of the things we know that although the rates of the bitcoin and the situation is now on the “bear market” is the rising of the career in the major.

I don’t think every news is a bad news because after the rain is a rainbow.

So that with this new trend, it’s showed that the effect of the bitcoin market is now opened more a door into the career.

Glassdoor stated:
In August 2018, we saw 1,775 blockchain-related jobs in the United States. As compared to this time last year, only 446 similar jobs, up 300% over the previous year.

As the Glassdoor stated we may have a better way to think is if we invest in the human resource and the career, not care about the situation so we may have a better chance to have a new area.

But this doesn’t mean that the bitcoin situation will be dead because on this time the blockchain network can scale in just a few clicks, and from a little news that some shark is hidden under the water to invest into the bitcoin again and got some newborn company is release the platform and the new way to rebuild the crypto world again.

And some of them is building a place where is not dependent on the shark.

Twogap is one of this company is now setting up this new way, safe and legal.

Is there a huge traffic to search and find the keywords about bitcoin, a new way of bitcoin and some tittle they care about bitcoin like “bitcoin will rise again”.

This showed that the people still get on with bitcoin and they are not surely forgotten or banned bitcoin out of this world.

For example:

  • On September 20, representatives of major Russian banks announced their willingness to work with electronic money.
  • Tom Lee expects Bitcoin to hit $ 15,000
  • Or Jeff Sprecher, president of the New York Stock Exchange, believes Bitcoin will survive this ‘bear season’…….

And so on, there are so many positive ways for all of us to believe and know that the situation may be on the red line but the care of the people are still there.

Joseph Muscat, — said the Prime Minister of Malta in a speech at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly:
Blockchain makes electronic money — the indispensable future of the currency — becoming more transparent, as it helps to screen good business out of bad business, but the technology of scattered scrapbooks can do much. more than that.

For after all, I wish all of the brothers just keep the faith and looking for a new hope. Don’t worry and let’s find out wide more, maybe look for the token sale season is now happening of Twogap.

The distribution uses a ground-breaking token participation model by creating what is intended to be the fairest token distribution to date. This elongated timeframe eliminates the quick frenzy usually surrounding short token sales, and allows the community ample time to learn about the Twogap Platform software being developed by Twogap as well as participate in the token distribution if they wish.

The Twogap Token distribution also approximates an general buy market where for every period, everyone gets the same price. At the end of a period, the respective set number of TGT Tokens for that period will be distributed pro-rata amongst all authorized purchasers, based on the total cryptocurrencies contributed during that period.

Steps to buy TGT Token

Step 1: Register KYC / AML

Step 2: Deposit ETH or other crypto types on the Dashboard, during the daily sales period.

Step 3: Receive a TGT Token to your account after determining the end of the day.

For more information, please visit our sites at
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