Trieu Vo
2 min readNov 4, 2018


CoinPulse has been getting a lot of attention on the web lately.

Because there is so much hype, a lot of network marketers are trying to sell this opportunity all over the place, including all over social media.

CoinPulse is the first cryptocurrency exchange that is completely based around and supported by its community. Token holders will have a say in its majority of the decisions.

Majority of the functions on CoinPulse have been included based on suggestions received from its community and we will proudly continue to do this!

Why Twogap choose Coinpulse to co-operate???

CoinPulse token holders get exclusive discounts along with multiple trading options that include orders books for different cryptocurrency pairings, highest security, referral bonus, and other advanced features.

CoinPulse (CPEX) token is an ERC20 token created by the developers of CoinPulse, which offers a number of valuable benefits when used for trading any cryptocurrency on the CoinPulse exchange.

Speak with the community by joining our telegram group to get more details about extraordinary benefits you will receive as a token holder.

Twogap brings the same vision to cryptocurrency with community involvement. This team works for the crypto world and cares about the future of cryptocurrency.

CoinPulse is the first cryptocurrency exchange that is completely based around and supported by its community and facilitates a true ecosystem for trading cryptocurrencies.

The CoinPulse mission is to become a foundation for asset trading and the acceleration of blockchain growth.

The trading pairs on the CoinPulse Exchange are dynamically managed from the Exchange’s back-end. The trade will take place automatically based on the orders available on the exchange in the real time.

As noted from Twogap and other partners, there is a need for harmony between ideas, directions and other aspects. If not the harmony of ideas, then the two sides must have the nature of compensation for each other to build a good for each other and for the future of the crypto world.

Goodluck Twogap, be ready well for ICO

Welcome on board CoinPulse.


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