Evaluating TriForce Tokens for Investment (Part 2 of 2)

Force Protocol
8 min readSep 18, 2018


Welcome to part 2 of 2 of the ‘Evaluating TriForce Tokens for Investment’, if you haven’t read part 1 of 2, you can find it here.

Continuing on from part 1 of 2 which covers the internals of the projects core, looking at the structure of the business, the team and the understanding of the projects position within the market. The next step is the evaluate the externals of the business. So with no further ado, lets jump straight in.

Part 2 (of 2)

I. Community & ICO Marketing

Does this project have an active social media community and/or strong community management?

TriForce Tokens has a very positive and loyal community. Although our following numbers aren’t as large as other projects, we believe in quality over quantity. Its better to have a smaller more engaged community, than a large lifeless one. With our newly started Discord server, we already have a reasonable following of active members who are engaged with the project and its advancements.

We ensure that we hold community events to allow our followers a chance to have their say in the developments of the project. It is important to us as a company that we are transparent and push for community collaboration with our project. We also like to conduct giveaways to thank our community for their support.

You can view our current social media channels below:

Does the project utilise PR companies or ICO websites?

We are partnered with BitcoinPRBuzz. PR is crucial within the crypto space, which is why we ensure that we announce regular updates and achievements through the BitcoinPRBuzz network. A full list of their media partnerships and channels can be found on their website, here.

Below is a list of other media partnerships TriForce Tokens has acquired, in order to distribute our latest news and updates.


Have there been any ICO reviews on YouTube to date?

We have conducted interviews with YouTube channels previously, however we have been swayed from using them as many seem to follow a ‘Pay to Win’ model. We have also had some of our followers post reviews of our projects on their channels, one of which can be found here. There are many other videos that have been created on the project and can be found by simply searching YouTube.

Have there been any ‘expert’ reviews on the project?

Our project has been reviewed by many experts across various ICO review sites, such as ICOBench. However, like the above comment many of these too, are ‘Pay to Win’ models which we don’t believe in.

Instead, we prefer to allow our work speak for itself. An example of this would be to have our work recognised on a greater platform. We recently won the Most innovative use of Blockchain in Gaming & Entertainment 2018 hosted by the European BlockchainExpo 2018, in Amsterdam.

How much transparency and current progress does the team provide to the public?

It is our company policy to be transparent with our community and the wider audience. All of our company information is public, you can find all the company information you may need, here.

The majority of our team can also be found on LinkedIn, so feel free to view their profiles or connect with them.

We use multiple social media channels to engage our community, and are also honest and open with our followers. We have recently started our Discord server, along with our social media channels to keep our community up to speed with the projects advancements. You can join here. If you wish to ask the team any questions directly or speak with our community, please feel free to join.

Does the project use public access platforms such as GitHub, and is it active?

Yes. Our GitHub is open to review and has lots of activity. Please feel free to review it. You can view it here.

II. Partnerships

Who are the existing partners of the project and what role does each play?

Since the beginning of TriForce Tokens, we have always had a strong focus on securing strong and strategic partnerships. Each partnership serves a purpose, below are some of our partners and what purpose they serve:

  • LevelUp.com — The partnership with LevelUp.com has given TriForce Tokens access to the Latin American games market, whilst providing a reach of over 8 million gamers. The CEO of LevelUp.com, Ramon Taledo works closely with the project making introductions and opening doors to individuals and organisations that TriForce Tokens would otherwise have no access too.
  • TechRacers — TriForce Tokens has partnered with TechRacers to help and advise the development of our own blockchain. TechRacers CEO, Ankur Maheshwari is also an advisor to the TriForce Tokens project and provides the team with hugely valuable insights to the development strategies of the blockchain.
  • BitcoinPRBuzz — BitcoinPRBuzz provides TriForce Tokens with press releases, along with media and content creation assistance.
  • TheGameWall Studios — Through this partnership TriForce Tokens is able to create publishing agreements with games, providing the project with direct access to the games for integration of the projects technology stack. The CEO, Eduardo Monteiro is also a key member of the TriForce Tokens team. Eduardo has opened many doors for project and continues to do so.

For the full list of our partnerships, please visit our website, here.

III. Exchange listing strategy

What are the the projects plans for exchanges, size of exchange and listing plans & timeline?

We have already been pre-approved by two exchanges. However, due to an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) between all parties, we are unable to disclose any further information at this time.

Please note that due the nature of pre-approved listings on exchanges is not a guarantee that the project or its currency will be listed on an exchange.

IV. Regulations and type of token

What is the projects jurisdiction & corporate structure?

We are a registered company in the United Kingdom, which is regulated by the UK governing bodies as well as self-regulated. You can see all of TriForce Tokens company records, here. We are working closely with IT Governance to ensure that our infrastructure is self-regulated with policies to prevent and act against attacks.

We also conduct both full KYC and AML checks to ensure that the project and its community are protected against any form of malicious activities, dumping of our currency or any ties to terrorist organisations and criminal activity.

We aim to ensure that we self-regulate as much as possible, to ensure the safety of the community and the project.

How will the project comply with their targeted industry & specific jurisdiction regulations? How does the project’s location, affect or not affect these markets?

Specifically relating to the token sale, since the company is formed and operates within the United Kingdom, there is currently no formal regulatory framework that would need to be abided by. Additionally the company has engaged with the FCA to seek clarification on whether its activities would fall under their jurisdiction, with the response being that it would not. The company have adopted a practice of full transparency with clear risk disclosures and legal agreement between the token buyer and the company that would need to be agreed to by the individual or organisation wishing to purchase the cryptocurrency.

Relating to the games industry, there are relevant certifications that games need to abide by but they are all dependant on the region and specific game types, which distribution platforms abide by.

How does the project describe its token (type, purpose, etc.)?

Our currency (FORCE) is an ERC-20 token, that has already been actively used for rewarding players and integrated into several games.

Our cryptocurrency will become the main coin on the FORCE blockchain which is currently under development. It will serve multiple purposes, namely; a transfer of value across all game platforms and devices, for each party utilising TriForce Tokens technology.

From player to player, studio to player and vice-versa. Players will be able to complete tasks and receive rewards, which can be redeemed on marketplaces and help fund studios future game releases. Game studios can attract and retain players in their games through the use of the FORCE cryptocurrency.

Additionally advertisers will be able to perform dynamic advertisement, with FORCE acting as an immutable record and authentic record that their campaign reached it’s intended audience, and budget has been spent appropriately. All while transferring revenue to the appropriate parties involved in the game publication, in an automated way.

V. Roadmap, planning and current progress

How will the Roadmap be defined based upon the soft & hard cap scenarios?

TriForce Tokens is continously developing, creating and maintaining products to help grow and increase our projects impact within the crypto space. We have maintained a concise and well thought out plan of attack.

Obviously, with the achievement of the hard cap, there is an ability to expand our development, and meet the larger technological goals we have as a project. But will press on and continue to achieve them, regardless.

Our business plan contains soft cap and hard cap expenses which are clearly defined and broken down.

What is the current progress of the project?

Since conception, TriForce Tokens has hit the ground running, working relentlessly to build our business, product line and technology. Below is a list of past, present, and future items being developed and maintained by our team.

What we have done to date:

  • Deployed Smart Contracts for FORCE cryptocurrency
  • Completed integration kits for games to integrate to player reward system
  • RaidParty player reward platform integrated to 4 mobile games
  • Dynamic advertising platform for advertisers
  • Dynamic advertisement platform for game studios
  • Dynamic advertisement integration kit for games to integrate with
  • RaidParty game market place to sell games and merchandise with FORCE

Next steps:

  • FORCE blockchain development
  • FORCE native desktop and mobile wallets with voting capability
  • FORCE blockchain integration kit for Unreal Engine and Unity3D game engines
  • FORCE blockchain developer resource site
  • FORCE block explorer
  • Indie game community approval DApp

That concludes part 2 of 2.

We hope these articles have been effective in answering any questions you may have about our project. If you or anyone you know is interested in acquiring FORCE currency, you can contact us via any of our social media outlets!

If you wish to learn even more about TriForce Tokens you can do so by visiting our website: https://triforcetokens.io

You can view our MVPs here:
RaidParty: https://raidparty.io
Dynamic Advertising:
Brands: https://brands.raidparty.io
Game Developers/Publishers: https://studio.raidparty.io

If you have any questions regarding the project or would simply like to speak to the team or the community directly, feel free to join us on Discord. You can join here: https://discord.gg/K6e6Mhy



Force Protocol

Bringing our love of blockchain, crypto and gaming together. Visit our website https://forceprotocol.io.