Why choose TriForce Tokens (FORCE)?

Force Protocol
3 min readFeb 6, 2018

Many investors and contributors are persuaded towards the big ICOs and hugely funded projects backed by industry leaders. Now, that’s not to say that’s a bad choice. If anything, it’s a very smart and sensible choice, lower risk and therefore more than likely a guaranteed return on their investment. However, the lower the risk, the lower the return. It’s common knowledge.

Now, contributing towards an underdog like TriForce Tokens, which was founded and built from the ground up by truly passionate and driven individuals may have a higher risk attached to it, but the return potential is massively increased. Looking at TriForce Tokens, its innovative ideas and solutions created and developed by its dedicated team has built TriForce Tokens into what it is today, and will be in the future. To better understand why TriForce Tokens should be at the top of your contribution lists, let’s delve deeper.

TriForce Tokens started off as a bunch of friends fed up with their day-to-day work lives. Their passion and drive for more led them to creating and founding TriForce Tokens: a project that they truly believe in. A mixture of their passions and knowledge allowed them to create and build TriForce Tokens from the ground up.

Admittedly TriForce Tokens has had a few issues on its way up, but so does every new start-up. But, what is truly amazing and honestly rather impressive is TriForce Tokens’ ability to adapt to its environments and bounce back from its falls. The team are so driven and passionate that regardless of the obstacles that they have faced, they continue to push on with full force.

The crypto space is one of the fastest moving industries known to date; it seems to have the ability to switch directions on a dime. Having ICOs so adaptable and responsive to their environments like TriForce Tokens, is keeping the industry alive and driving forward and upward. They are the true innovators.

On the topic of innovation, looking at many other ICOs that are popping up these days seem to be relatively similar to already existing business, just operating outside of blockchain technology and the crypto-space. Which isn’t a bad thing, but where is the innovation?!

TriForce Tokens prides itself on its ability to provide innovative solutions that don’t already exist, whether that be in or out of blockchain technology. Innovation is what leads to change and further development. If everyone was to copy everyone else, we would never grow and develop as a species.

The technology and solutions provided by TriForce Tokens are of a nature that will revolutionise the gaming industry, for every body, mind and soul involved. No longer will players have to scrape together their hard earned cash just to buy the next latest and greatest gam; no more extortionate costs for indie game developers; and, finally, a social hub for the entire games community!

And that’s the beauty of TriForce Tokens — it’s not designed for the personal gain of its founders. It’s designed to finally give back to the community, long awaited for sure, but it’s finally happening. A fairer, more profitable gaming industry is just on the horizon. The revolution is upon us.

The only thing missing is YOU!

Do you believe in the FORCE?

Become a approved contributor today and become part of the revolution and gain your share of the FORCE. Join here today: https://triforcetokens.io/join-whitelist

Limited whitelist spaces, be sure to secure your place NOW!

Are you struggling? Check out our guide here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mEdDvIR5GSFPqZ0nvmpz6ZvvVZWkr4XOe7ww0NFWQrI/edit

Need an ERC-20 wallet? No problem, we’ve got you covered: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BriLzrcOOloLyUcqeUr0ZpZhGXkYJc3OejKh99Tzfew/edit


Buying TriForce Tokens involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for every contributor. The valuation of the TriForce Tokens may fluctuate, and, as a result, you as an contributor could lose your full contribution. Before deciding to participate, you should carefully consider your objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite.

Have any questions about our project?

Reach out to us at the following:

Telegram: https://t.me/triforcetokens

Twitter: https://twitter.com/triforcetokens

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/triforcetokens



Force Protocol

Bringing our love of blockchain, crypto and gaming together. Visit our website https://forceprotocol.io.