Stuck Finger? Taping For Trigger Finger Pain

James Borowski
3 min readFeb 16, 2024


Do you ever experience fingers lock, go pop or hurt when flexing? The main symptoms of trigger finger are probably what you have been noticing. This condition affects over a million worldwide. This is the situation in which your finger tendons swell and catch when pushed into their inner sheaths, making your movement painful and difficult. While trigger finger can be treated in various ways, including taping for trigger finger, splinting, medication, and even surgery.

The Problem: Tripper’s Finger Explained

Trigger finger is expected to affect 2% of all people, regardless of their age. The women of the age group of 40–60, however, get affected more than others. It is usually found in the thumb and ring finger, but any finger may be struck.

The culprit? Within the tendon sheath, inflammation occurs. This irritation in the tendon sheath restricts the area for the tendon to slide quietly, creating the snap and lock phases. There are activities that require repetitive things to be gripped or bending that can aggravate the problem.

The Solution: Relief through Taping

With the popularity of Kinesio tape, an elastic adhesive tape used in physiotherapy, as a favorable alternative for patients with trigger finger writhe pain. Studies show it can:

Reduce pain: A group of researchers within one year found that pain scores had significantly reduced and the taping reduced pain in comparison to the control group which was stunning.

Improve finger function: Tapings turns can increase grip strength and further range of motion which in the long run makes every day tasks easier.

Offer a non-invasive alternative: Unlike injections or surgeries, taping is a non-drug related and drug free form of treatment.

Taping Facts and Stats:

A 2017 review implied that taping was also effective in patients with apparent trigger finger at least as much as splinting.

Another research revealed that tapping could lead to an improvement of the grip train strength in a person suffering from trigger finger by up to 20%.

Surrounded by other therapies like stretching and practicing movements, taping is always a big helper.

Important Note: Certainly, the taping has promise, yet you must see the doctor or a hand specialist yourself before placing the tape on your hand. They can determine your status by performing a proper taping technique, teach you how to do it and assure it’s safe.

The Bottom Line

Are you up for giving taping a try for cueing your trigger finger? Contact a healthcare professional for taping for trigger finger and talk over your needs and seek help in relieving the annoying condition. Take note that the sooner the treatment starts, the higher the chances are for a full recovery from trigger finger. triggerfingerwand help you with various solutions for treating trigger finger, a condition that causes pain, stiffness, and difficulty bending the fingers and thumb. Your finger trap should be the last thing that stops you.

