How Hypnotherapy can help you overcome fears and phobias?

Trina Blum
2 min readFeb 23, 2018


A phobia is an absurd fear of a particular situation or thing which can have weakening and destroying results. The physical reactions vary from delicate to excessive and include erratic heartbeat, nausea, sweaty palms, increased muscle tension, blurred vision, shortness of breath and fainting. Fears & phobias may be the product of accumulated stress, past traumas or a series of adverse experiences.

We generally face two type of phow to overcome fears and phobiashobias like simple Phobias and others to be considered as Complex Phobias.

Simple phobias are usually outlying and tend to be precise e.g. fear of driving. These type of phobias are often fully fixed very easily with the help of hypnotherapy.

Whereas, in the case of complex phobias, often the representing phobia isn’t real, it’s the hidden unresolved issues that must be addressed. The exciting thing about phobias is that the relationship of phobia and the cause may not seem sensible. For example, who would think that if a brother locked a sister in a cuppord that he she would grow up and present with fear of flying. The cause of the phobia is usually senseless, therefore only a mediation which operates at an unconscious level can solve it i.e. therapy that is conducted hypnosis.

Here is a list of the top 10 most frequently experienced phobias listed on the ABC Newspage.
1) excessive fear of social situations
2) fear of open spaces
3) fear of heights
4) fear of flying
5) fear of enclosed spaces
6) fear of insects
7) fear of snakes
8) fear of dogs
9) fear of storms
10) fear of needles

The most commonly treated phobias in hypnosis therapy room are social phobia, fear of enclosed space, fear of flying and fear of needles, Although not listed on the top ten I have treated people with driving phobia.

Regardless of what phobia affects your life, there is no need to suffer. Trina Blum, A clinical Hypnotherapist for women in Atwell can teach you how to overcome fears and phobias. Visit the website to know more and schedule an appointment.



Trina Blum

I am a Hypno Therapist providing treatments for anxiety, stress, helping quit smoking, overcoming fears and phobias. Schedule your appointment now.