Prizefighter: The Life of Jem Belcher movie review

Trina Boice
3 min readAug 16, 2022



At the turn of the 19th century, Pugilism (boxing) was a sport of kings. A gifted young boxer named Jem Belcher fought his way out of poverty and into praise by becoming the youngest champion of all England. The movie is based on an inspirational, true story in British sports history.

The dramatic biopic was directed by Daniel Graham and written by Matt Hookings, who also stars in it!


  • Fans of boxing will enjoy the action in the ring. And there is plenty of it. My husband and one of my sons loves boxing and I think they’ll like this movie too.
  • It’s the presence of Russell Crowe’s face on the movie poster that will grab most people’s attention. He does a great job, but sadly, isn’t in the movie as much as I had hoped. Still, it’s fun to see him in another boxing movie since he starred as the young boxer in Cinderella Man back in 2005!
  • Ray Winstone is another great catch for this cast. He’s crusty, salty, and perfect as Jem Belcher’s demanding coach.
  • I love a good training montage!
  • Fantastic soundtrack
  • Interesting characters with depth.
  • It made me laugh (twice) when Jem Belcher gazes off into nothing while the music soars with emotion, and then suddenly, his coach slaps his face to bring him back to reality.
  • We get to read on the screen at the end of the movie “the rest of the story” about certain characters.
  • I think I enjoyed this a lot more than most film critics for some reason. The movie isn’t perfect, but it’s also not as terrible as some are saying.


  • The transition from Jim Belcher as a child to an adult happened in a split second. I know that happens a lot in movies, but the editing from scene to scene was super abrupt.
  • Some of the Extras are terrible. Why does the camera keep focusing on them?
  • Some of the details of Jem Belcher’s life aren’t accurate. For example, he never met his grandfather, who was also a well-known boxer in his time. Some of the details of boxing’s history are also incorrect.
  • There’s something off about the lighting filter.
  • The final fight scene is filled with boxing tropes we saw years ago in the Rocky movies.


  • Profanity and lots of F-bombs
  • Sooo much blood
  • Lots of violent boxing and fighting
  • A man licks blood to show how tough he is. Ick.
  • Lots of alcohol. One of the characters describes champagne as “something special from the anti-Christ in France.” Ha ha
  • Cock fighting is shown
  • An unmarried man and woman are seen tumbling in bed
  • Profanity
  • We see several completely topless women
  • An unmarried man “backdoors” a woman aggressively


  • Family
  • Legacy
  • Discipline
  • Respect for athletes
  • The art of sports
  • Money and prestige

You can see the full review on the Movie Review Mom YouTube channel.

