Day #3 After the Positive Covid Test Result

Affiliate Advantage
3 min readDec 24, 2021


Made in Canva

Good morning, everyone,

I pray that everyone has had a blessed Christmas week. I’m grateful to be alive and feeling better this morning. I thank God for waking me up this morning, I’m so grateful to be feeling better. God is truly amazing, I would dare not give him all the praise, glory and honor!

First, I would like to say that I had no idea that I was sick with Covid. I felt fine all last week. I didn’t start feeling bad until last Saturday evening after getting off work.

I thank God that I have continued to wear my mask faithfully. I wouldn’t want to be the cause of anyone else getting sick. When I got in last Saturday evening, I felt kind of like I was coming down with a cold or flu.

I felt kind of fatigued, tired and my throat felt a little sore. When I woke up Sunday morning, I still felt a little sickness coming on, but I only thought that maybe I’m coming down with a little cold.

I started to take NyQuil cold and flu. I woke Monday morning saying that I would make it to work because I had to open for 5:30am. I knew that people were depending on me to be there. I got in safely and opened but I was moving at a snail's pace.

That was when I really knew something was wrong. I’m normally pretty active at work. I could hardly stand for more than a few minutes at a time, and I couldn’t even perform my normal tasks. I decided to let my coworkers know that I wasn’t feeling well and that I was leaving.

I left and got tested, that was on Monday. I got the results back on Wednesday around 3am, and that’s when I found out that, I was positive.

Here are some of the symptoms that I noticed right away and throughout the process of learning that I was positive in the exact order that the symptoms came in and some of the things that I’ve been doing to treat myself at home.

  1. I felt very tired and fatigued.
  2. Sore Throat
  3. Coughing
  4. Chills
  5. Body Aches
  6. I can’t stand the feel of cold water on my hands.
  7. Now I’m only drinking room temperature and hot drinks, I’m not having anything cold.
  8. I noticed my chest started to hurt before I knew it was Covid and I had a cold glass of orange juice.
  9. I’ve been limiting my food intake to hot soups and broths.
  10. I’m still coughing but now I’m coughing up a clear mucous most times.

Those are the things that I’m currently dealing with and what I dealt with in the beginning. I will keep you guys updated on my progress. Take care of yourselves and wear your mask. Get tested if you start to feel ill, it is better to know then not know your status. For you and your loved ones.

Thank you for your support, everyone has a Happy and Safe Christmas Eve!!

Much Love, 💕💕




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