What is Holding You Back From Your Calling?

Trina Harmon
2 min readSep 25, 2018


Being a professional songwriter for most of my life, I often hear people say they would never want their creative passion to become their ‘job’, because it would take all the joy out of it. I can look back now and see there were days it felt like a job, but that was always a choice I made, not something determined by the agreements I made with others, or my paycheck.

A job requires knowledge. We can go to work, use our skills to reach a desired outcome, and then go home and decide where else we want to invest our time. But a calling is much different. It requires a transformation of power from our own skills, to making ourselves available to an additional energy that wants to happen through us, something greater than we can conceive on our own.

A calling isn’t limited to certain hours in a day, it’s a lifestyle. Other people can not dictate how you do it, where or when. A calling isn’t limited to our conditions or circumstances.

There will never be any lack of money, location, people, skill, or political power that can hold you back from the potential that lies within you.
When you become willing to listen, surrender, and transform authority to this higher voice within, you also become capable of transforming others, whether it’s thru your gifts and abilities, your creative works, the words you speak, or simply by your presence.

Being in flow with your calling, is rather effortless, when you continue to invite God in and trust what wants to come through you. What makes it abundantly more challenging is when you treat your calling like a job. In other words, when you want to control the impression you’re making, or the timing of the results you want or limit the possible outcome based on what you’ve heard or think.

There are many people who won’t fully step into their callings, for one reason. They can’t see or figure out ‘how’ it could work. But that’s the thing about a calling, you are given the desire, but you must call on God to fill in the rest of the details.

